BONUS: All New EVERYTHING Around Here! A Sneak Peek Into The New Elite Competitor

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Hey there, sports moms! Are you ready for something exciting and new?

Let’s dive right in with a question that may resonate with many of you: Have you ever wondered how to help your daughter build unshakable confidence and mental strength while enjoying every moment of her sports journey?

Recently, you might have noticed some exciting changes happening in our podcast and across the Elite Competitor community. Today, I want to walk you through these changes and share what’s in store for you and your athlete.

Recognizing an Amazing Mom in Our Community

Before I dive into the changes, I want to give a big shout out to a fantastic mom in our community, Darcy. She’s a part of our mental game program, and her daughter Whitney is a talented figure skater. Whitney recently won the free skate with a personal best, a remarkable achievement. What makes this story even more inspiring is how Darcy used what she learned in our program to support and celebrate Whitney’s success. This is a testament to the power of our community and the positive impact it can have on both moms and athletes.

Our Journey to Clarity

Now, let’s talk about the new phase we’re embarking on at the Elite Competitor. Founded in 2018, our mission has always been clear: to support sports moms in raising confident girls by equipping girl athletes with the mental strength they need for their sports journey and beyond. However, how I convey this mission is always evolving – I want to ensure that our values of impact, professionalism, motivation, fearlessness, and intuition shine through in everything we do.

A Fresh Look and Feel

You’ve probably already noticed some significant changes in our branding. New colors, logos, and photos now grace our social media accounts and website. These updates are aimed at refreshing the look and feel of the Elite Competitor while maintaining our core messages.

Bringing the Play Back to Sports

One key message I want to emphasize is the importance of infusing play back into sports. Remember why your daughter started playing sports in the first place? It’s because she found joy and fun in them. Research shows that the longer an athlete enjoys their sport, the longer they’re likely to stay in it. However, a staggering 70% of athletes drop out by the age of 13. I want to make sure that the fun and enjoyment are preserved in sports, ensuring that your daughter continues to benefit from her athletic journey.

Training the Mind for Success

Another important aspect is training your athlete’s mind. Sports can bring about challenges like fear of failure, pressure, and handling mistakes. These are common hurdles that many athletes face, yet not all of them know how to navigate them confidently. I’m here to provide your daughter with the tools she needs to succeed mentally throughout her athletic journey.

We’re in this Together

I want you to know that I’m always on your team. I’m committed to creating an experience for your daughter that extends beyond the game and into her life. This journey is about long-term growth and development.

Exciting New Developments

Now, let’s dive into some exciting new developments you can look forward to:

Live Trainings

I’ve scheduled a series of brand new live trainings for the last week of September and the first week of October. These sessions will include interactive elements, bonuses, and raffles. Registration is now open, so head over to to secure your spot. These trainings will focus on strengthening your athlete daughter’s confidence.

Elite Mental Game Program

I’ve rebranded our signature mental training program from “The Competitor Program” to “The Elite Mental Game.” This program not only builds mental strength in athletes but also equips sports moms with the tools to support their daughters effectively.

Gamified Learning

I’m introducing a gamified approach to the Elite Mental Game program. Your athlete will earn points as she progresses through the program, unlocking prizes and bonuses along the way.

Bounce Back In A Snap Challenge

When your athlete joins the program, she’ll kickstart her journey with a five-day challenge focused on overcoming mistakes, a common struggle for many young athletes. This challenge equips her with practical tools to bounce back from errors.

Live Fall Cohort

For the first time in a while, I’m forming a live cohort of athletes. Starting during our Fall Enrollment period (September 26 – October 6), athletes will join together, participating in a live kickoff call and engaging in the program as a group. This creates a supportive and energizing atmosphere for your daughter.

Ambassador Program

If you’re a mom who has completed our mental training program, you now have the opportunity to become an ambassador. Share your story, recommend our program to friends, and get paid for it. It’s a great way to cover sports expenses or have some extra spending money.

Elite Competitor Merchandise

I’m excited to introduce our first-ever merchandise line, featuring our new branding! You’ll soon be able to purchase items like sweatshirts, water bottles, and shirts on our website, allowing you to proudly support and represent the Elite Competitor.

Content for Your Daughter

Keep an eye out for content on our Instagram and in our podcast episodes that you can share with your daughter. These resources will help her strengthen her mental skills and confidence in sports.

The Bottom Line

I’m so excited to start this new phase of the Raising an Elite Competitor Podcast and the Elite Competitor community with you. My mission remains clear: to support you, sports moms, in raising confident, mentally strong girls who excel both in sports and in life. I hope you’re as excited about these changes as I am.

Thank you for being a part of our journey, and remember, I’m here to walk beside you and your athlete every step of the way. Stay tuned for more exciting developments, and I’ll see you in the next episode of the Raising an Elite Competitor Podcast!

Episode Highlights:

[01:55] The new phase of the Elite Competitor. The new phase that elite competitor is embarking on, getting clear on their values, mission, who they can serve and how they can best serve them. New colors, branding and logos.

[05:01] We are in this together. We give you the exact tools that you need that are research-based so that you can raise a confident, strong athlete.

[06:29] How to strengthen your athlete daughter’s confidence. This training is all about how to strengthen your athlete daughter’s confidence, so she believes in herself as much as you do.

[10:27] New ambassador program for moms – a program for moms who have completed the signature program.

Next Steps:

Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

All Episodes, Building Confidence, Mental Training, Sports Mom Extras

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