
Have the Mental Skills and Confidence to Play Hard, Bounce Back from Setbacks, Have Fun, and Reach Her FULL Potential in Sports AND Life?

Hey sports mom, Want your girl athlete to finally...

Enroll before offer ends

100% Money Back Guarantee

(or, 74% OFF!!)

Huge Savings of $5,823!

payment of $1,997

best deal

6 monthly
payments of $357

Most flexible

The Complete ELITE MENTAL GAME Program + 4 Special Bonus Gifts

Total Retail Value: $6,820

Special Limited-Time Offer

The #1 mental training program to build your girl athlete's confidence and mental game, so she believes in herself and plays like it... no matter what.

The Elite Mental Game

Then YOU SHOULD enroll today & gain lifetime access to:

- Ashley, sports mom to Ava and Addison, middle school soccer players & Elite Mental Game athletes

"In The Elite Mental Game, my girls gained the skills and tools to deal with difficult situations that come up - in sports and also in school and other relationships they have. I’ve seen tremendous growth in my girls and in myself. I now know my role as a sports mom and how to best encourage them before and after a game.”


Worse still, you could be experiencing a                                                    with your daughter that may only grow deeper without the right tools to bridge the gap.

That’s the bad news.

The GOOD NEWS is that we have a proven solution! 

More on that in a sec, but first, you may be wondering WHY this is a problem?

wedge in your relationship

(and it's holding her back!)...

your daughter may be inwardly LOSING her personal MENTAL GAME 


If you answered               to any of the above questions and you resonate with these common statements...

“Mom, you just don’t get it!”, "You’re just saying that cause you’re my mom!", “I was horrible!” 

She responds:

“You’ve got this!”, “You are good enough!”, “You belong on this team!”

You Cheer:

  1. Does she beat herself up instead of bounce back from mistakes?

  2. Does she get overly nervous before and/or during games?

  3. Do you brace yourself for the postgame drama during car-rides home?

  4. Do you feel like all of your attempts at being her cheerleader are met with eye-rolls, snarky remarks, bad attitudes, the silent treatment, and/or full blown arguments? 

answer these quick assessment questions:


Do you feel like your athlete daughter is                        with her mental game, staying out of her head, and/or confidence?

Your athlete daughter is struggling to shake off mistakes, overcome nerves, & play her best …

Sports mom,

And later in life, she’ll use these same skills to land a great job… start a successful business… make the world a better place!
Excel in school and scholastics

Develop healthy and positive relationships - she’ll be able to stand up for herself, have more self awareness and assurance, and have an assertive attitude needed to repel peer pressure and bullies

Creating healthy boundaries needed for peak performance while AVOIDING the ‘people-pleaser trap’ and the ‘comparison trap’ played out in social circles and on social media - an epidemic issue among teen girls

…and she will have the mental and emotional tools, and confidence to:

  • Learn from mistakes instead of being haunted by them

  • Perform well under pressure instead of breaking down

  • Make personal tweaks and improvements instead of giving up

  • Take smart and calculated risks without negative self-talk and perfectionism

  • Reach her full potential so she can thrive, enjoy success - live a happy life

To succeed in her sport - and in the game of life - you know that your athlete daughter must be able to:

How she handles that mistake in a game is how she will handle them in academics. 

That hesitation on the court is also holding her back from opportunities in her life. 

Her inability to stand up for herself with teammates and coaches also leaves her susceptible to being passed up and walked over in other relationships.

(that's likely why you have her in sports after all)...
but ONLY If she has the tools to navigate what she faces in her sport!
Your daughter must master the mental strength and confidence to play her best, stay positive, and have fun while continually improving and learning from game wins and losses.

As she conquers the ‘mental game’ during off-season, pre-season, in-season, and in every single game, she will rise to the top of her game in her sport, perhaps even landing on the varsity team…

sports play for your middle or high schooler provides the perfect opportunity to develop the skills she needs for life



How We Do Anything is How We Do 

You see, just as children develop critical life skills through play... 

she can't afford to.

Every successful college, professional, and Olympic athlete today practices the mental side of their game. The good news is, your daughter can learn these skills NOW! She doesn't have to wait, in fact -                      

Bottomline, mental training is the piece you’ve been missing!

…There’s a reason this phrase has become a popular idiom that expresses the ability to control a physical condition or obstacle by using the power of the mind. 

College volleyball player, PAC-12 Champion, and record breaker,
VICTORIA GARRICK has started a mental health non-profit to address the mental, not the physical, challenges young athletes face.

Seven-time Olympic gold medalist and record-breaking swimmer, 24-year-old    KATIE LEDECKY discussed the importance of mental health after winning several additional gold and silver medals at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Following her performance and struggle with ‘twisties’ and eventual withdrawal from those same Olympic games, the most highly anticipated athlete in gymnastics, SIMONE BILES, became a mental health advocate because of the impact the mind had on her performance at the highest level of sports in the world.

The internet, books, magazines, and documentaries are all littered with the stories of top pro athletes winning championships with the help of elite mental training.  

"Mind Over Matter..."


And ‘how she does anything is how she’ll do everything’. 

If she doesn’t gain the mental and emotional tools to thrive under pressure in her sport, she may become one of the 70% who quits in her sport and stops setting ambitious, worthwhile goals - settling for less, instead.
But remember this, LIFE…is even harder, right mom?
Mom – this is NOT a phase. Every time your daughter reaches a new level in her sport, the pressure to achieve will only increase.

That’s why 70% of girl athletes quit before the age 13 - because they don’t feel like they can live up to all the expectations and they don’t have the mental and emotional tools to manage their stress.

Harmful Myth #3: “This is ‘Just A Phase’ That She Will Grow Out Of”

She won’t! Confidence does NOT come naturally with time; it’s a skill that needs to be learned and practiced to grow in it. Your daughter may feel a wave of happiness from having a good game here and there but she will NOT gain lasting confidence and develop mental strength from making great plays and scoring more points.

She has to master the mental side of the game and start flexing her new confidence skills first – and then she’ll start playing to her fullest potential.

Harmful Myth #2: “She Will Naturally Build Confidence with Experience”

Yikes – don’t count on it! Coaches are trained to teach athletes the physical skills of the game, not the mental practices they need to execute those skills under pressure.  

I’ve been a head coach for 12+ years, and believe me when I say – 99% of coaches are NOT teaching their athletes the mental side of the game.

Harmful Myth #1: “Her Coaches Are Teaching Her to Play with Confidence”

Here’s the 3 most common harmful myths moms unknowingly pin their hopes on:

As a loving mom, I KNOW you say and do everything you possibly can to help and encourage your athlete daughter when she’s struggling. 

Sadly, what most moms do to help only causes more hurt. She feels more pressure, more misunderstood, and more isolated from you with every encouragement. 

Many moms are left backing off, crossing their fingers, and hoping for the best. 

3 Harmful MYTHS Moms Believe... Demystified

Putting in more hours at the gym, having better discipline, and ‘getting tough’ is not what your daughter needs to do to achieve her goals as an athlete.

And ….

Her coach likely isn’t teaching this part of the game (yet expects her to be ‘mentally tough’ and confident)

The best athletes don’t just work on
the physical skills of their sport
…they’re also dedicated to
practicing their mental game.


Here’s the piece you’ve been missing:

Instead, you need to:

Equip your daughter
with mental training that shows her how to:

Recover quickly from mistakes

Have fun and enjoy playing her sport!

Release her anxiety about letting
others down and the need to be perfect

Flip her negative self-talk

Overcome nerves

Thrive even with a less-than-ideal coach or drama among teammates

Feel confident in her abilities

- Holli, mom to Sienna, middle school basketball player & Elite Mental Game athlete

“My daughter went from getting openly upset on the court if she made a mistake to being a calm, level-headed, and positive leader for her team...I also love how much her confidence has increased – you can just see it when she plays.”

don't just take our word for it...

Not playing to potential
Nerves and anxiousness

Negative self-talk
Inconsistent performance
Crumbling under pressure

Fear of failure
Fear of what others think
Fear of mistakes

Watch Your Daughter Rapidly Transform Into a Fearlessly Confident, Mentally Strong Athlete and Effortlessly Overcome: 

The #1 mental training program to build your girl athlete's confidence and mental game, so she believes in herself and plays like it... no matter what.

The Elite Mental Game

enroll today & gain lifetime access to:

That's why we're so excited to warmly invite you to...

Whether your girl athlete is competing in an individual or team sport, a high schooler or middle schooler, our program speaks to any sport and any age.


Yes, we coach

strategies for every season

she’ll have the skills and tool to support her in every season of her sports journey: Pre-Season, During-Season, Post-Season, and Off-Season

and exercises that are just 5-15 minutes each and that she can implement on her own schedules – because we totally understand, you all are busy!  

30 Min/week training plan - SELF-PACED, SHORT Videos

to all the mental game training in the program, so you both can come back anytime and brush up on tools & strategies

 Lifetime access

Once inside EMG, she'll have...

After completing The Elite Mental Game trainings and practicing her new skills, your daughter will show up more confident and consistent in her play, and know how to handle any challenge that comes her way. 

Now, she'll discover how to continue using the tools she's learned and keep the momentum going, season after season!

Including off-season training plans, a process to kick-off a new season and how to close out one season before moving on, navigating new opportunities, disappointments... and more!


Get The Most Out Of Her Mental Game Training

In this phase, your daughter will get equipped with tangible strategies and mindset tools to handle any unique challenges that come up on her journey.

We’re talking about navigating perfectionism & comparison, preventing burnout, coming back from injuries, handling stress and setbacks, how to be a leader, and so much more.


Prepare For & Overcome Challenges

Here, she'll put it all together! Your athlete will have a pre-performance game plan so she can overcome nerves and show up ready to compete - every time.

 She'll know how to overcome mistakes, excel under pressure, & adapt when things don’t go as planned (they rarely do!!), while still performing well.

Post-competition, she'll fairly assess her performance, stop beating herself up, and have a plan to improve.

You'll both have a better car ride home!


Perform Consistently From Practice to Game Day

Your athlete will gain all the mental training and tools she needs to believe in herself and play her best no matter the circumstances!

She'll practice mental training like the pros - visualization, breath work, setting big goals (and more!)

She'll know how to quickly get out of a negative mindset and stop beating herself up - she'll build her confidence, rather than cut it down.

Phase 2 - Elite Mental Game Foundations  

Game Changing Mindset Training

She'll immediately create her personalized Snap Back Routine™ and start practicing it - to shake off mistakes and stop the spiraling... instantly.

This is one of the top rated parts of the program by our athletes, and we guarantee your daughter will love it too!

Phase 1 - Bounce Back in a Snap

Recover Quickly From Mistakes & Stop The Spiral

Right from the start, your daughter learns why the mental game is vital and the types of results she can expert on game day and every day.

She'll build excitement to reach her performance goals, love her sport, and earn prizes as she learns.

PHASE 0 - The Warm Up! 

The Mental Game Is The Game

Upon enrollment, your daughter will enter her athlete training portal and go through her set of mental game training - following our Unstoppable Athlete Method™, which includes:

The Elite Mental Game

Take A Sneak Peek Inside

Take a Look at
What She'll Achieve             
The Elite Mental

Upon enrollment, your daughter will enter her athlete training portal and go through her set of mental game training - following our Unstoppable Athlete Method™, which includes:

The Elite Mental Game

Take a Sneak Peak Inside

she’ll have the skills and tool to support her in every season of her sports journey: Pre-Season, During-Season, Post-Season, and Off-Season

Strategies for every season

and exercises that are just 10-20 minutes each and that you both can implement on your own schedules – because we totally understand, you all are busy!  

Self-paced, short
training videos

to all the mental game training in the program, so you both can come back anytime and brush up on tools & strategies

 Lifetime access

Once inside EMG, she'll have...

After completing The Elite Mental Game trainings and practicing her new skills, your daughter will show up more confident and consistent in her play, and know how to handle any challenge that comes her way. 

Now, she'll discover how to continue using the tools she's learned and keep the momentum going, season after season!

Including off-season training plans, a process to kick-off a new season and how to close out one season before moving on, navigating new opportunities, disappointments... and more!

Phase 5 - Keep the Momentum Going

Get The Most Out Of Her Mental Game Training

In this phase, your daughter will get equipped with tangible strategies and mindset tools to handle any unique challenges that come up on her journey.

We’re talking about navigating perfectionism & comparison, preventing burnout, coming back from injuries, handling stress and setbacks, how to be a leader, and so much more.

Phase 4 - Mental Edge Toolkit for Athletes

Prepare For & Overcome Challenges

Here, she'll put it all together! Your athlete will have a pre-performance game plan so she can overcome nerves and show up ready to compete - every time.

 She'll know how to overcome mistakes, excel under pressure, and adapt when things don’t go as planned (because they rarely do!!), while still performing well.

Then - win or lose, she learns! She'll use her post-competition game plan to fairly assess her performance, stop beating herself up, and have a plan to improve.

You'll both have a better car ride home!

Phase 3 - High-Performance Game Plan

Perform Consistently From Practice to Game Day

Your athlete will gain all the mental training and tools she needs to believe in herself and play her best no matter the circumstances!

This is where she practices mental training like the pros - visualization, breath work, setting big goals (and more!)

She'll know how to quickly get out of a negative mindset and stop beating herself up - she'll start saying & thinking things that build her confidence, rather than cut it down.

Phase 2 - Elite Mental Game Foundations  

Game Changing Mindset Training

She'll immediately create her personalized Snap Back Routine™ and start practicing it - to shake off mistakes and stop the spiraling... instantly.

This is one of the top rated parts of the program by our athletes, and we guarantee your daughter will love it too!

Phase 1 - Bounce Back in a Snap

Recover Quickly From Mistakes & Stop The Spiral

Right from the start, your daughter learns why the mental game is vital and the types of results she can expert on game day and every day.

She'll build excitement to reach her performance goals, love her sport, and earn prizes as she learns.

phase 0 - The Warm Up! 

The Mental Game Is The Game


Keep scrolling to 
View the rest 
Of the program

Check out the EMG Program Overview here...

She’ll leave EMG knowing how to recover quickly from mistakes, release the fear of letting others down and having to be perfect, and with the skills and tools to play her best every time she competes …

… so she can release the negativity and have more fun playing her sport.

Hear what other moms have to say after joining...

Pro athletes who are the best in their sport invest untold fortunes into the best mental coaches to help them develop a championship mindset.

But don’t worry mom! You won’t pay even a fraction of what they pay to get the same exclusive tools of peak performers. 

What’s the Investment?

get the full Elite Mental game program + 4 bonus gifts for a one-time investment of $1,997 or 6 monthly payments of $247.

These powerful bonuses give you all the tools your daughter AND you will need to gain unstoppable mental strength and confidence and become a close-knit, dynamic, mother-daughter duo!

Step-by-step strategies for you on what to say and when you should step in. And your daughter learns to control what’s in her control, learns a framework for talking to her coach, and so much more!

You’ll both learn to confidently navigate these challenging situations!

($300 value)



Have challenges at practice? Finding it hard to get along with a coach? Need expert support in a hurry? Want to share your successes, wins, and shake off the nervousness? We’ve gotcha covered... both of you! 

You get                                               with our Elite Competitor Coaches for 3 months!

You and your athlete will have direct text access to our Coaches to ask questions and get advice on any challenge. Yes - real coaches who love responding to any questions and addressing unique concerns. Plus, we send weekly check-ins to help with accountability & encouragement!

($2,500 value)

Here, you’ll find strategies for every situation - from pre-game nerves, navigating coaches & teammates, nutrition, hormones, recruiting, and everything in between.

Search our training library with private podcast feed to find actionable steps and scripts to guide your athlete through whatever comes her way - Pre-Season, In-Season, Post-Season, and Off-Season.

You’ll get all your questions answered, learn from guest speakers, and meet lots of sports moms who get it (just like you)! We're always by your side!


Being a parent and coach can be a tough line to walk. Learn how to do it effectively

be an effective
parent & coach

Know how to help your athlete navigate common setbacks -  disappointments with playing time, injury, feeling burnt out, and more


Learn key strategies to help when your athlete is lacking motivation or effort

IncreasE Motivation 
& Effort

How to support through self-doubt, comparison, jealousy, perfectionism, negative thinking, and more

support When She's Hard On Herself

Learn what she needs to hear before, during, and after competitions to ease her nerves, build her confidence, and avoid the post-game car ride meltdown

What TO Say before, during, & after games

You play a big role here! Help your athlete stop the spiral after mistakes so she can bounce back, play her best, and have fun

help her
overcomE mistakes

You will have a proven ROADMAP TO BUILD GAME + LIFE SKILLS, including:

Mom, we've got you covered too! Athletes perform their best when they have parents who know how to support them and aren’t stressed trying to figure out what to say. She is the star of the show, but you play a supporting role in her confidence in her sport and life. 

($1,000 Value)

You see, it’s more than just a sport. Whole-athlete support means teaching her elite-level nutrition, social-emotional skills, leadership, recruitment strategies, and a lot more.

She gets top-notch coaching on her mental game, but also engaging and inspiring training from guest speakers in the areas of social-emotional learning, leadership, body image & self-love, communication, resilience, nutrition, recovery, and more. 

She’ll learn from the best and be inspired by our monthly guest experts and college / Olympic level athletes for every phase of her sport: Pre, During, Post, and Off-Season. 

For 3 months, she’ll have two live group coaching calls each month - one with our Elite Competitor Coaches and one with a guest expert. Plus, access to all past trainings!

Your daughter will deepen her understanding and implementation of everything she’s learning and she’ll gain camaraderie in her transformation to a confident athlete. She'll meet other athletes & get her questions answered. Attendance isn't required to get results in the program and we always send a replay! 

Past Guests include:

  • Pre-Performance for Anxious Self-Critical Athletes w/ Julia Eyre, Sports Neuroscientist

  • Food As Fuel w/ Lindsey Cortes, NCAA & Professional Sports Dietician 

  • Authenticity in Sport w/ Kim Hill, 2X Olympic Volleyball Gold Medalist

  • Road to the Olympics & Resiliency w/ Helena Scutt, Olympic Sailor

  • Recovery Is Vital w/ Erica Suter, Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach

  • Attitude, Mindset, & Relentlessness w/ Kelly Dormandy, University of Georgia from Loyola Marymount Associate Athletics Director for Sports Performance

  • Staying Committed through the Grind with Calley and Gabby, Western Washington University Volleyball Players

($1,020 Value) 

That's not all... you also get THESE

Not only will you get $600 OFF, when you enroll right now, you’ll also get 4 additional bonuses for your athlete daughter AND you to take her mental game to the top. 


Hurry - this goes away when the offer expires!

- Shenique, mom to Mia, high school swimmer & Elite Mental Game athlete

“The Elite Mental Game is what we needed- coaching for moms and athletes. Because nobody checks on the parents and tells us what we’re doing wrong! The information in the EMG is so important; the tools are so critical. And the value you get from it and the lifetime access to the trainings are so key. The Elite Mental Game has been worth every dollar and the best investment.” 

inside, you'll meet other moms who get it, like shenique:

If we can help by offering a longer payment option, reach out to hello@elitecompetitor.com

100% Money Back Guarantee

(or, 74% OFF!!)

Huge Savings of $5,823!

payment of $1,997

Quick & Easy

6 monthly
payments of $357

Most flexible

Total Retail Value of: $6,820

The complete ELITE MENTAL GAME training system

($300 value)

($2,500 value)

($1,020 value)

($1,000 value)

($2,000 value)

Special Limited-Time Offer

Here's Everything you get when you enroll now during this...

The Elite Mental Game

As your daughter finishes the short trainings and learns new mindset tools, she’ll collect points and earn prizes! The Elite Mental Game will build up your daughter and recognize the progress she makes every week.

Psst - This program will strengthen your athlete’s mental game immediately - but it’s also so fun &
rewarding for your athlete to be part of!!

Don't tell her the surprise... But, she'll earn an elite competitor bracelet, water bottle, and more!


I am so confident that your athlete daughter will play to her fullest potential and that you’ll know exactly how to build her confidence with EMG, that I want to make it as easy as possible for you to say yes to signing up!

The Elite Mental Game Guarantee gives you fourteen (14) days to join and attend our opening Bounce Back In Snap Challenge risk free. 

If, after attending The Bounce Back In Snap Challenge, your daughter does not have a routine to recover quickly from mistakes and keep playing with confidence, and you don’t know how to best support her from the stands during setbacks …

Simply send an email to hello@elitecompetitor.com with the subject line ‘Guarantee,” and we’ll hit the brakes on building your athlete daughter’s confidence by initiating your exit from the program and refunding you in full.

Yep - I am that sure you’ll see the results you’ve heard me talk about.

Join The Elite Mental Game
Completely Risk-Free

Questions? Just email us at hello@elitecompetitor.com. We're here for you!

Watch her mental game & confidence transform as she goes through the short trainings and is supported by our certified coaches... and YOU with your new game plan!


Our Coach on Call will check in weekly for 6 months with accountability and support


Receive 6 months of Free Sports Moms Inner Circle Membership & Athlete Level-Up Calls


Login and get started! 


Check your email / text for a link to The Elite Mental Game training portal


Add your athlete(s) and partner/spouse (this can also be done later)


Enroll with the payment option that works best for your family


Here's exactly what happens next:


Ready to get started?

-Colleen, mom to Amelia, high school volleyball player & Elite Mental Game athlete

“The Elite Mental Game showed me how to talk to my athlete daughter without sounding like ‘that’ parent –the one who constantly nags, says the wrong things, or puts undue pressure on her… Now, I know what to say and do to instill confidence in her; This is priceless to me.

you'll know just what to say & do - like colleen...

I have all the credentials you’d want someone who is going to teach your daughter the mental side of the game to have. A Master’s in education. 12+ years of experience coaching high school athletes. Certification as a Positive Performance Coach.

But, mostly, I’m a coach who was so tired of seeing her athletes struggle to come back after mistakes, play better in practices than in games, and let outside circumstances control how they showed up to compete.

I wanted more for my athletes … because they deserved more.



Mental Performance coach,
head high school volleyball coach (3x state champs!),

coach bre-

Hi! I’m

In case we haven’t already met …

-coach bre

The positive transformation and confidence boost you’ll see in your daughter after joining EMG will happen almost immediately – in the way she talks about herself, believes in her abilities, plays with confidence, and interacts with others on her team and in her life.

Equally important is the transformation you‘ll see almost immediately in yourself, too, Mom. You’ll know exactly what to say and do to build confidence in your daughter and how to create the best possible environment for her success.

EMG is a gift I want for all athlete daughters and sports moms.

I am so excited to have you join us. If you have any questions about the program, don’t hesitate to send me a personal message.

The mindset tools you’ll gain in EMG
are the same tools I would not coach
my own teams without.

It breaks my heart when I see female athletes quit because they’re comparing themselves to others, feeling like they’re not good enough, and stressing about the pressures to perform.

Mental game training has made all the difference for my athletes.

The information you’ll find inside EMG has helped thousands of moms to feel confident in their role as a sports mom …

… and thousands of daughters to play at their highest potential and love their sport again.

I believe that girls – like your
daughter – should get to experience
long-term success as athletes.

You will have lifetime access to THE ELITE MENTAL GAME - which is the same mental game training that championship athletes use for peak performance during each phase of their sport (Pre, During, Post, and Off-Season).

This is the best contribution you can make to your athlete daughter’s sports career, and to every goal she wants to achieve in life. We are so excited to welcome you into The Elite Mental Game with the payment option that works best for your family.

Ready to Raise a Confident Athlete Daughter?

The mental techniques your daughter learns over the next 6 months will equip her to achieve every goal she sets over the next 60 years!

Your daughter WILL thank you for the investment you made into her mental game, perhaps soon, but certainly later in life as she uses the skills she learns to reach her life goals.


will give you all the tools you’ll need to win her trust, grow closer together, and become the dynamic mom-and-daughter-duo you want for your relationship. 

This world-class mental training program will immediately be tested in every single game competition she plays, which will instill the mental muscle and confidence she needs to win in the game of life.

Whether your daughter’s in middle school or high-school, you know that time flies and before you know it she’ll be driving…walking across the stage…going off to college…landing her first job…and building her own life. 

All the encouragement tactics you’ve been trying aren’t working and may be driving your daughter farther away from you. She may feel like she can’t trust you because “you just don’t get it.”


She’ll face and overcome life challenges with confidence. 

Enjoy a closer relationship with your athlete daughter and so much more.

- Bonnie, mom to Melissa, middle school gymnast & Elite Mental Game athlete

"Your passion, talents, experience, and program are needed by young women and are already making a difference for our family. I feel like I've been given a gift that will keep on giving for my girls. Thank you!"

have a positive impact on your whole family

In the meantime, you might find what you’re looking for here in the FAQS

Book a 15-minute Q & A call HERE or email your Qs to hello@elitecompeitior.com and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Questions? We’re here to help!

What if I have 2+ daughters?

Great news! When you purchase our program, we give it to your whole household. So, your daughters can both join (and sons and spouses/partners are welcome too!), and it will not cost you extra.

We just ask that you do not share EMG outside your household. (If you have a whole team who's interested, we have a special team package ... 30% discount for 10+ athletes who join together.)

Email us at hello@elitecompetitor.com with any questions.

How much time commitment is THE Elite mental game?

The Elite Mental Game... is a GAME! It includes 4 main training phases (plus a 5th on how to make the skills stick) that can be worked through at your own pace PLUS 6 months of live bonus support and coaching.

That means, you both can build the skills and get the results as fast as you want as you work through the 5-15 minute training videos and exercises.

Then your athlete will work to strengthen these mental skills with about 10 minutes per day of practice (such as breathwork, visualizations, ect.) that can be done at her actual practices, before competitions, and even as she's brushing her teeth or riding to school.

So... it doesn't take much time to get big results!

You have lifetime access to ALL the mental game trainings inside The Mental Game, so there really is no "getting behind” and you can revisit trainings in the future as you encounter new challenges and opportunities.

Plus, you also get the 6 months BONUS of unlimited Coach On Call text support and live coaching and support via our Athlete Level-Up Group Coaching Calls (2x/mo). There's an option to extend live support later, if you'd like.

How does The Elite Mental Game work?

The Elite Mental Game program is a really powerful, unique experience for both athletes and parents! 

Once you join, both you and your daughter get immediate access to the program (you have your side of the program and she has hers!). You’ll receive an email/text with your login details. You’ll access the “warm up” videos to get an overview of the program, print your playbooks, and put the live calls on your calendar!

You'll both jump into the Bounce Back In A Snap™ Challenge for your athlete to learn how to quickly recover from mistakes and for you to learn how to best support her in doing so! 

Afterwards, a new training will release each time your athlete completes a training until she works through all the lessons. We do this intentionally, as the lessons build on each other.

For parents, all material opens after you complete the first week. We still suggest you do the trainings in order but know that you may want to immediately access some of the Toolkit trainings, so we make them all available.

Both of you will earn points as you complete trainings and at certain points surprise gifts will unlock!

You have lifetime unlimited access to The Elite Mental Game trainings - so there’s no “getting behind”.

What type of athlete is The Elite Mental Game for?

The Elite Mental Game is for athletes who are passionate about their sport, who want to play with confidence and consistency, and love playing and competing.

Typically, they are between the ages of 11-18, but we've had both younger and older athletes find great success in the program!

Often, they are athletes who want to level up in their sport (that could mean making the 8th grade team, playing on varsity, making an elite travel team, beating their own past record, and more!) and are investing time and energy to up their physical skills and knowledge of the game... improving their mental game is the missing key!

AND... moms, this is for you too! You'll see things through a new lens and better communicate with (not coach from the sidelines) and support her daughter!

Some moms and daughters complete the program together, hand in hand, sharing along the way.

And others prefer to do their work individually and chat about specific things as they work through the trainings...

Both options work great; it's whatever works best for you and your daughter.

What if my daughter isn't an 'elite' athlete?

So glad you asked! Our definition of an 'Elite Competitor' is an athlete that is playing to her potential, has the skills to navigate the normal parts of her athletic journey, and is finding join in her sport!

This is the athlete we develop inside The Elite Mental Game.

We have athletes who are just beginning in their sport AND ones that are competing at the highest levels in high school and beyond!

The material in our program grows with the athlete. So, it's applicable to her today and as she levels up (and grows up) it will take on a whole new meaning in relation to her new experiences.

Really, these are life skills we are developing together. 

Can dads and sons participate?

Absolutely! Yes and yes!

We strongly encourage all dads, spouses, partners to participate and go through the material inside The Elite Mental Game - Parent training portal. It's a game changer when all are on the same page, using the same words, and having a shared understanding and plan on how to best support your athlete(s).

And we've had quite a few boys go through The Elite Mental Game. Although we primarily work with girl athletes, the skills and tools are applicable to both boys and girls.

Throughout the trainings, we use gender neutral pronouns; however, images are of female athletes. So, as long as your son is OK with that - then definitely add him in! (or, play the trainings in the car so he doesn't even notice)

Just reach out if you have more questions on this!

How do I get my daughter to ‘buy-in’ & want this program?

This is a great question and one we get frequently!

We know athletes are all at different levels of awareness and readiness when it comes to understanding and leveraging their mental game as their biggest competitive advantage.

Many female athletes feel like they “get in their own head” and can’t get out ... even though they try.

They feel like they play well in practice but not as well in competition. They feel like they always have to prove themselves to their coaches, teammates, and parents.

They want to be the go-to player on the team but struggle under pressure situations and are afraid to let others down.

Many want to play in college and have the skills, but just aren't performing to their potential and getting the looks they need. Others are absolutely crushing it, excelling on high level teams, exceeding everyone's expectations ... and yet:

They know they aren't playing their top game!

They're always looking for ways to improve and know working on their mental game will help them reach the next level.

This program is for both of these athletes and both can probably agree that they want to level-up in their sport -> make a higher team, play in college, or even just get more playing time or master a particular skill.

That's the angle for getting their buy-in!

Here's a Conversation Starter Guide for you. 

And a couple great podcast episodes just for her ->

How Mental Training Has Changed The Game For These Athletes

ATHLETE SPECIAL: Your Mental Game = Your Biggest Competitive Advantage

Plus - she can read all about The Elite Mental Game on this page, made specifically for our athletes!

How will I access the materials?

What if I/we can’t make it to the live calls?

The live calls are supplemental to the training material, so they are certainly not required in order to get results. You'll still receive personal engagement and coaching on responses inside the training portal and through our Coach On Call text support.

We do love seeing the athletes and moms on the calls and know it's valuable to get questions answered live!

You and your daughter can also email questions in ahead of time to hello@elitecompetitor.com and we'll be sure to answer them on the call. We then send out replays of each session so you can refer back to them at any time

Can I get my friends/ teammates in on this?

That would be awesome!

We just started an Ambassador Program for just that! You can quickly enroll HERE and then we’ll pay you $300 for anyone you refer!

Separately, we also offer a team/friend discount of 30% for 10+ families who join together. Just email us at hello@elitecompetitor.com to coordinate.

What is the refund policy?

The Elite Mental Game Guarantee gives you fourteen (14) days to join and complete our opening Bounce Back In Snap Challenge risk free. 

If, after completing The Bounce Back In Snap Challenge, your daughter does not have a routine to recover quickly from mistakes and keep playing with confidence, and you don’t know how to best support her from the stands during setbacks …

Simply send an email to hello@elitecompetitor.com within seven days with the subject line ‘Guarantee,” and we’ll hit the brakes on building your athlete daughter’s confidence by initiating your exit from the program and refunding you in full.

What if I have a question not answered here?

Just DM us and let's chat! @elitecompetitorcoach on Instagram

You can also send an email to hello@elitecompetitor.com or book a 15min call HERE.

More praise from EMG moms and athletes...

book a 15min discovery call
with Our team to get the answers

Need some extra
clarity on whether this is right for you & your daughter?

We have just the resources for you!

Not sure how to share this info with your athlete daughter?