Mental Training


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  It’s near year-end! What lessons have you learned with your female athlete this year? Are you ready to welcome what’s in store for you this upcoming year? As we look forward to new beginnings in the new year, some things must come to an end. Our Elite Competitor Podcast will likewise come to an […]

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  Are you starting to notice your daughter’s love for the game decrease? What used to be so fun is starting to feel like a burden. A lot of athletes struggle to overcome mistakes. Some female athletes over-critique themselves and get drowned by the stress and pressure of things outside their control. And sometimes, moms/parents […]

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  The importance of mental training to your female athlete’s career is undeniably important, but what if they don’t see its value? How can we help female athletes see the importance of mental training? As moms, we see what’s going on with our athletes. We see her out there. We know what she might need […]

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  Meditation and gratitude can change lives. I know that’s a bold claim, but you will find through today’s conversation that the way our guest approaches these skills really is transformational and it will change your life and in turn, help your daughter. This is an opportunity for Sports Moms to do their own personal […]

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  Your daughter must enjoy herself, and being an athlete is no exception. They require time to be a child and a teenager. They require that breathing space. Our athletes’ mental health is our top priority as mothers. It has a significant impact on how she navigates not only her sport but also her life. […]

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  Are you worried about your daughter’s motivation this summer? Or, wondering what you can do to keep your athlete motivated and focused?  Summer is upon us! There will be more freedom in schedules, longer days, and vacations. But when it comes to helping your athlete daughter stay motivated— summer can be tricky!  Here’s what […]

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  How can we help our female athletes get back up from a mistake and not shy away?  Here is a magic question to help your daughter with those moments she wants to let up and pull back. I believe so many parents have seen their daughter hesitate after making a mistake and pull back […]

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  Do you feel that your female athlete can’t get out of her own negative thoughts? Does it seem like her one mistake is leading to the dreaded spiral of negative thinking and then more mistakes? Everything you say might not be getting through, and as her mom, you want to help her.  But how […]

And avoid three harmful mistakes that hurt your daughter’s confidence.


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