#210: 3 Simple Sports-Psychology Backed Ways to Help with Pre-Game Nerves So Your Athlete Daughter Can Compete with Confidence

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Feeling the pressure before a big game?

You’re not alone. As a sports mom, watching your daughter struggle with pre-game nerves can be tough. You want her to shine, but those butterflies in her stomach might be holding her back. In this episode of the Raising Elite Competitors podcast, Coach Bree dives into practical strategies that can help your daughter manage her pre-game anxiety and perform at her best.

The Battle with Pre-Game Nerves

Pregame jitters are common, and they can be a real challenge for young athletes. If your daughter has ever seemed calm and confident in practice but struggles to perform on game day, she’s not alone. Here’s what you need to know to help her overcome these nerves and unleash her full potential.

1. Visualization: See Success Before It Happens 🌟

Visualization is more than just a buzzword—it’s a powerful tool backed by sports psychology. By imagining herself performing well, your daughter can activate the same neural pathways in her brain as if she were actually in the game.

How It Works:

  • Creates Familiarity: Visualization helps her brain recognise scenarios she will face, reducing anxiety by creating a sense of familiarity.
  • Strengthens Connections: Engages the motor cortex, making the physical execution during the game smoother and more fluid.
  • Reduces Stress: By visualizing success, she can lower cortisol levels, helping manage her body’s fight-or-flight response.

Quick Tip: Encourage your daughter to spend a few minutes before the game visualizing herself performing confidently. This simple practice can make a significant difference.

2. Mantras: The Power of Positive Self-Talk 💬

Your daughter’s internal dialogue plays a crucial role in how she performs. Negative self-talk can sabotage her confidence, but positive mantras can shift her focus and boost her belief in herself.

Benefits of Mantras:

  • Redirection: Helps her focus on positive affirmations rather than negative thoughts.
  • Rewires Brain: Regular use of positive phrases can change her thought patterns, reducing self-doubt and enhancing confidence.
  • Emotion Regulation: Mantras help calm her emotions and regulate her stress levels, keeping her composed before a game.

Quick Tip: Help her develop a set of personal mantras that resonate with her goals and strengths. Remind her to repeat these affirmations to build a positive mindset.

3. Breath Work: Calm Your Nerves with Every Breath 🌬️

Breath work might sound simple, but it’s a powerful method to manage pre-game anxiety. By focusing on deep, controlled breathing, your daughter can activate her parasympathetic nervous system, countering the stress response.

Benefits of Breathwork:

  • Regulates Stress: Helps lower heart rate and blood pressure, balancing stress hormones.
  • Prevents Hyperventilation: Balances oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, which is crucial for preventing over-breathing.
  • Increases Focus: Improves mental clarity and reduces muscle tension, helping her stay focused and calm.

Quick Tip: Teach her breathing techniques like box breathing or the hot cocoa breath. Practicing these regularly can make them second nature during high-pressure situations.

4. Bonus Tip: The Alter Ego Technique 💪

Creating an alter ego can be a game-changer. This technique involves your daughter adopting a different persona or identity that embodies the traits she wants to display during competition. Think of it like stepping into a superhero role—she gets to be someone who excels under pressure.

How It Helps:

  • Boosts Confidence: Allows her to step outside of herself and embody a more confident, assertive character.
  • Reduces Self-Doubt: Helps her dissociate from her fears and insecurities, making it easier to compete at her best.
  • Encourages Playfulness: Adds an element of fun and creativity to her approach, reducing the seriousness and pressure of competition.

Quick Tip: Help her create an alter ego that aligns with her competitive spirit. It could be a name, an animal, or even a fictional character she admires.

Episode Highlights: 

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Raising Elite Competitors Podcast with Coach Bree.

[00:00:30] Overview of today’s topic: Managing pre-game nerves.

[00:01:15] Success story: How an athlete used mental strategies to win her matches.

[00:03:05] The importance of visualization, mantras, and breath work.

[00:13:35] Bonus tip: The Alter Ego Technique for confidence.

Next Steps:

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