#180: Behind The Scenes of The Elite Mental Game & How It’s Changing The Game for Athletes (and Parents!)

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Are you ready to elevate your athlete’s mental game?

Welcome to the world of elite sports psychology, where the mental game is just as important as physical prowess. Today, I’m thrilled to take you behind the scenes of our groundbreaking mental training program, the Elite Mental Game (EMG), specifically designed for athletes and their parents. Let’s dive into why EMG is a game-changer in sports psychology and how it empowers both athletes and their parents!

The Birth of Elite Mental Game

Why did we create EMG? The answer is simple: to offer a unique, comprehensive approach to mental training. Unlike other programs, EMG caters to both athletes and their parents, understanding the significant impact of this dual approach on an athlete’s performance and confidence.

Shelly’s Story: A Testament to EMG’s Impact

Shelly, a mom in our community, shared a heartwarming story about her daughter, a young athlete who, through EMG, learned to assert herself and overcome challenges on her team. This story demonstrates the transformative power of EMG – not just in sports but in life skills like confidence and self-advocacy.

The Athlete’s Journey in EMG

  • Phase One: Bounce Back in A Snap Challenge

So, within the first week that she enters into the program, she goes through phase one, which is called our bounce back in a snap challenge. The trainings are very short, but this is where she learns a personalized “snapback routine” to recover quickly from mistakes. This crucial skill helps athletes maintain focus and resilience.

  • Phase Two: Elite Mental Game Foundations

Once she gets through phase one, she goes into phase two which is all about her elite mental game foundations. The second phase focuses on establishing a solid mental foundation through goal setting, visualization, and confidence-building techniques.

  • Phase Three: High-Performance Gameplan

Here, athletes learn to create pre-performance routines, handle pressure, and develop post-game strategies to avoid negative spirals. This is also where she wilk learn breathwork techniques.

  • Phase Four: Mental Edge Toolkit

This phase equips athletes with tools to tackle perfectionism, comparison, stress, and leadership challenges. This is where she learns things like letting go of perfectionism, getting out of the comparison trap, managing stress and response to setbacks and injury, as well as how to be a leader that her team looks to.

  • Phase Five: Making Skills Stick

The final phase ensures the longevity of these skills, encouraging regular mental game practice.

The Parents Role in EMG

  • Phase One: Supporting Through Mistakes

While your athlete is learning her snapback routine, you are learning how to support then through mistakes. In this phase, you’ll learn effective strategies to support your athlete, particularly in handling mistakes and fostering resilience.

  • Phase Two: Elite Mental Game Foundations

This phase provides parents with insights into sports psychology and best practices for nurturing an athlete’s mental strength.

  • Phase Three: Powerful Pep Talks

This is where you learn how to develop your pre- and post-competition routine with your athlete. You’ll also learn strategies on how to manage your nerves as your athlete goes out there to play and how to really be the best support during those really fragile times for your athlete, specially before and during competition. You’ll also learn scripts you can use for conversations in the car ride home post-competition so you’re never left wondering, “What do I say to my athlete?”

  • Phase Four: Elite Sports Parent Toolkit

This toolkit addresses common challenges faced by sports parents, from managing perfectionism to dealing with injuries and tryouts.

The Power of Live Support

Both athletes and parents benefit from 12 weeks of live support, including coach-on-call texting, live calls, and a supportive community. This hands-on guidance enhances the learning experience, ensuring the application of skills in real-life scenarios.

Common Questions Answered

Below, I address some frequently asked questions:

  • Ideal Age for EMG. While 11-13 years is the sweet spot, EMG is beneficial for athletes up to college level.
  • In-Season vs. Out-of-Season. There’s no wrong time to start EMG. In-season allows immediate application, while out-of-season provides more time for skill development.
  • Introducing EMG to Your Athlete. Approach the conversation with positivity, focusing on the benefits of mental training and achieving personal goals.

The Bottom Line

The Elite Mental Game is more than a program; it’s a transformative journey for both athletes and their parents. With over 3,000 families benefiting from EMG, it’s clear that this program is reshaping the landscape of sports psychology. If you’re considering a holistic approach to enhance your athlete’s performance and mental strength, EMG is your answer.

Join us in this exciting journey and discover how EMG can elevate your athlete’s game. For more information, visit https://elitecompetitor.com/ and explore our winter enrollment special. See you in our next episode!

Episode Highlights: 

[00:00] Mental training program for athletes and parents. I share my insights on my signature mental training program, the Elite Mental Game, and its unique features for athletes and parents.

[01:17] Developing athletes’ mental toughness and parental support.

[06:18] Mental training program for athletes and parents. The EMG program works by providing both athletes and parents with science-backed mental training skills and research-based strategies for supporting each other, leading to increased confidence and peak performance.

[09:52] Mental training for athletes. Learn more about the four phases that athletes go through in the EMG program.

[15:59] Mental training program for athletes. Athletes in the Elite Mental Game program receive 12 weeks of live support, including weekly check-ins with coaches and access to a training portal with mental training tips and support. Bonuses include workshops from former sports nurse and neuroscientist, as well as Olympic medalists.

[18:42] Sports parenting training program. Learn more about the four phases that parents go through in the EMG program.

[22:33] Mental training for young female athletes – commonly asked questions.

Next Steps:

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All Episodes, Building Confidence, Mental Training, Mom Daughter Relationship, Sports Mom Extras

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