#200: How I Became a Mental Performance Coach (and how to know if you should too) w/ Lindsey Wilson, Founder of Positive Performance Training

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Are you curious about becoming a mental performance coach for athletes?

Wondering if you need a PhD or special certification? Maybe you’re a coach or a parent who wants to help athletes improve their mental game but don’t know where to start. If these questions resonate with you, this episode is a must-listen.

Welcome back to the Raising Elite Competitors podcast! I’m Coach Bre, a mental performance coach for girl athletes. In this episode, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Lindsey Wilson, the founder of Positive Performance Training and the Mindset Coach Academy. If you’re curious about the journey to becoming a mental performance coach, this episode is for you.

My Journey to Becoming a Mental Performance Coach

I’ve been a mental performance coach for about six years. Over this time, I’ve received numerous questions from moms and coaches in our community about how I became one. Many ask about the certification process, whether I had to go back to school, or if a PhD is necessary. To address these questions, I decided to bring on Lindsey Wilson, the founder of the company where I received my certification.

Getting Started: The Initial Inspiration

My journey started with my desire to help my high school volleyball team. Despite having a talented team, we kept falling short when it mattered most. I realized that the missing piece was the mental game. Having experienced sports psychology during my college years, I knew the power of mental training.

The Certification Process

I came across Lindsey’s program through Positive Performance Training and decided to invest in the certification. The first month of the program focused on personal development, which I found incredibly valuable. Then, we learned tangible tools to use as coaches. I was able to immediately apply what I was learning with my team, which was incredibly rewarding.

Overcoming Doubts and Fears

Like many, I faced imposter syndrome and wondered what people would think. “What are people going to think if I now start saying I’m a mental performance coach and I’m starting a business?” I asked myself. There was also the challenge of figuring out the logistics, like how to collect emails and follow up with people. “I’m a teacher. I didn’t, I don’t know how to do that stuff,” I thought.

However, the support within the community and the success of my initial efforts helped me overcome these doubts. The response from parents and athletes was overwhelmingly positive, which further fueled my confidence – the response was totally opposite than what I thought it was going to be. People were excited and grateful that I was offering these resources.

To push past my fears, I focused on taking small steps. The whole “five seconds of courage” thing became my mantra. Each small step, like texting the club director or getting up on stage to share my story, helped me build momentum and confidence.

Lindsey also highlighted the importance of having a system and a community to support you: “You want to make sure that you know those things before you invest in doing anything right at this level. And so we’ll help you answer those.” This structure was crucial in helping me move forward despite my initial fears and doubts.

Balancing Life as a Coach and Entrepreneur

Balancing life as a full-time online business owner, mental performance coach, and mom is a challenge – I work five days a week for about five to six hours a day, but I also enjoy the flexibility. For instance, I can attend my daughter’s kindergarten graduation in the middle of the day without any issues. 

Transition from Teaching to Full-Time Coaching

Initially, I didn’t plan to leave teaching. However, as my mental performance coaching business grew, it became clear that I had to choose between the two. So, I officially left teaching in March 2023. While the transition was nerve-wracking, it allowed me to fully pursue my passion and grow my business.

Addressing Common Concerns

Many people wonder if it’s too late to start or if the market is too saturated. But, Lindsey and I agree that it’s never too late. Lindsey emphasized, “It’s your personality that you bring to it.” Everyone’s unique story and approach can attract different clients.

Lindsey highlighted how having more mental performance coaches in the field actually benefits everyone: “The rising tide lifts all boats, right? The more of us that are doing it, the more people… we’re all selling it for each other.” This means that the growing presence of mental performance coaches makes it more common and accepted, which is beneficial for all.

Lindsey also pointed out that having a system and proven methods is essential. “We’re not a bunch of robots out there. Like just regurgitating information, we’re bringing our personality and our niche,” she said. The individuality each coach brings to the table ensures that there’s a place for everyone in the field.

Insights from Lindsey

Lindsey shared her perspective on the evolving field: “We’re at such a cool point now because, like you said, there’s not that many out there, but there’s enough of us that it’s becoming so much more common for people to be like, ‘Okay, I need to get the strength coach. I need to get the hitting coach. I need to get the club baseball. And we also need something on the mental side. So where is that person?'”

She also mentioned the variety of specializations emerging in the field: “I have seen people come through with sports that are just more niche like rodeo and bowling and, like, just things that you don’t hear about as much. But I think those are the cool places because oftentimes when people are coming in, they have an existing network.”

Lindsey’s insights reaffirm that the market is not oversaturated and that there’s a significant need for mental performance coaches. Your unique personality, background, and approach will help you carve out your own niche and attract clients who resonate with your story and methods.

Upcoming Webinar: Dive Deeper with Us

Lindsey and I are hosting a webinar on June 18th to dive deeper into the process of becoming a mental performance coach. We’ll be answering questions and discussing the five essential questions you must ask before going on this journey. If you have any interest, join us!

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I enjoyed having Lindsey on the podcast! Remember, if you’re considering becoming a mental performance coach, it’s never too late to start. Your unique story and approach can make a significant impact. For more information and to register for the webinar, check the show notes.

Thank you for listening, and as always, keep raising those elite competitors!

Episode Highlights: 

[00:00] Balancing entrepreneurship, motherhood, and mental performance coaching.

[06:17] Becoming a mental performance coach for high school teams.

[09:43] Mental performance coaching for athletes, certification process, and business model development.

[15:44] Overcoming fears and doubts to pursue a new career path as a mental performance coach.

[20:06] Mental performance coaching for athletes, emphasizing the importance of personal branding and niche expertise.

[23:16] Certification options for mental performance coaches in various niches, including sports-specific, corporate, and emerging fields.

[27:46] Mental performance coaching certification and webinar.

Next Steps:

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