#151: Athlete Tip: How To Handle Negative Teammates

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Have you ever had to deal with negative teammates? The ones who bring unnecessary drama or negativity to the team dynamic? It can be challenging to navigate such situations without getting caught up in the drama. But, don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll explore some valuable tips on how to handle negative teammates effectively.

So, let’s dive right in and discover strategies that will help you maintain a positive mindset and focus on your athletic performance.

Dealing with Negative Teammates

So, who exactly can be classified as “negative teammates”? And how do you deal with them?

When I mention negative teammates, I’m talking about those whose personalities clash with yours or those who engage in negative behaviors. They may roll their eyes, make mean comments, or exude negative energy that affects your own performance. It’s important to differentiate between teammates who are simply negative and those who intentionally exhibit rude or harmful behavior.

Remember, their negativity is not a reflection of you; rather, it’s a reflection of their own insecurities or jealousy. Even in challenging situations, you have the power to choose where you put your energy and focus. While some behaviors may require addressing with your teammates or seeking support, today we’ll focus on how you can direct your energy to what truly matters and avoid being drawn into unnecessary drama.

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re being bullied or feel unsafe due to someone else’s actions, it’s important that you talk to an adult, such as a coach or parent. However, for the purpose of this discussion, we’ll focus on handling negative teammates who bring down the team spirit and contribute to a negative environment.

You have the power to choose where you put your energy.

First and foremost, you should remember that you have the power to choose where you put your energy. There’s this super empowering saying that goes, “Where your focus goes, your energy flows.” If you constantly focus on that negative teammate, their actions, and every little thing they do, your energy will be drained. So instead, redirect that energy towards becoming a better athlete and supporting your teammates who have a positive impact.

You don’t have to give your attention or energy to that negative teammate – rise above it and decide that their negativity won’t affect your attitude, energy, effort, or how you show up. Your confidence comes from within, not from that person. Keep in mind that negative and rude people are dealing with their own issues, and their behavior isn’t your responsibility.

Look for the positive and supportive people on your team.

Surround yourself with teammates who encourage and motivate you. While it’s natural to want to vent about negative experiences, it’s important that you choose who you confide in. Avoid gossiping about teammates with other teammates as much as possible, as this only perpetuates the drama. Instead, seek a trusted space with your parents (or someone else you trust) to discuss your concerns and frustrations. Once you’ve vented, you can now focus on being the athlete you aspire to be – working hard, staying positive, and encouraging others without getting dragged down by negativity.

It takes courage to resist team drama. While others may gossip and spread negativity, you can choose to focus on your sport, have fun, and connect with positive teammates. When you do this, you’ll be more likely to achieve your goals.

Know when to stand up for yourself.

However, just because you avoid drama or negativity doesn’t mean that you should ignore it when someone crosses the line. After all, there may be situations that require addressing. For example, if someone crosses a boundary or says something that’s intentionally mean, it’s important to stand up for yourself. But, don’t just rush in and start confronting them; instead, try to approach the situation with curiosity and ask for clarification if you’ve overheard something negative. Communicate your needs calmly and assertively, without escalating the situation. For example, you could say, “Hey, I overheard you saying that I’m not good at defense in the locker room. Can you help me understand what you meant?” Additionally, if someone is yelling at you, calmly assert, “Please don’t talk to me like that.”

Prioritize your safety and well-being.

If you suspect bullying or an unsafe environment, it’s important that you involve a coach or a trusted adult to properly address the situation. Your safety and well-being should always be the top priority.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with negative teammates can be challenging, but it’s important that you maintain a positive mindset and focus on your own growth and performance. By redirecting your energy, surrounding yourself with supportive teammates, and addressing issues when necessary, you can create a healthier team environment for everyone involved.

Remember, your power lies in how you respond to negativity and where you choose to direct your energy. Stay focused, stay positive, and keep striving for greatness. You can do it!

Episode Highlights:

[00:00] Today’s topic: How to handle negative teammates.

[01:30] You can choose where you put your energy and focus.

[03:18] Why you get to choose where you put your energy.

[04:52] You don’t need to give these people any more attention.

[06:45] You have permission to show up as the athlete you want to be.

[07:55] How do you know if you need to address a situation?

[09:23] You don’t need to let your energy go to this person. Focus on what you can control. Alert an adult if there is bullying or an unsafe environment.


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Athlete Tip (How To Handle Negative Teammates)

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