#190: 3 Practical & Athlete-Approved Ways to Fit Mental Training into Your Daughter’s Busy Schedule

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Let’s face it, sports moms, we all wear a lot of hats – we’re cheerleaders, chauffeurs, nutritionists, and sometimes therapists too!

Our daughters are constantly juggling practices, games, and everything in between. So, how do we squeeze in one more thing – mental training?

Understandable Concerns

Believe me, I get it. “My daughter’s super busy,” you say. “And how do we fit this into her schedule? I don’t want it to become just another thing to do or a source of stress,” These are common concerns, and totally valid!  That’s why I’m here today to share some practical tips used by moms and athletes in my program, the Elite Mental Game. These are strategies that have helped them make mental training a seamless part of their routine, even with jam-packed schedules.

Shifting Your Perspective

But before we jump in, let’s shift our mindsets for a second. We all know the saying, “We make time for what’s important to us.” As moms, we prioritize the things we value. If our daughter’s health and well-being are important (and let’s be honest, of course they are!), then mental training deserves a spot on our calendars.

Mental Training: The Time-Saver

Here’s the thing: mental training isn’t just another burden. I always tell the moms I coach: Mental training actually saves you time. Think about it. How much time do you spend in the car consoling your daughter after a tough game? How many evenings are wasted trying to find the right words to boost her confidence?

“I’m not very far into the Elite Mental Game,” one of our athletes, Sloan, messaged me recently, “but the course is already working. My mental game has significantly improved, and I’m so thankful!” See, Sloan is already experiencing the time-saving benefits. By learning skills like mental toughness and emotional control, she’s spending less time dwelling on mistakes and more time focusing on the game.

Here’s the deal: that time you’re spending in the car – or anywhere else – trying to pep talk your daughter, she can be investing in herself through mental training. These are tools and techniques that will empower her to handle pressure, bounce back from setbacks, and ultimately, enjoy her sport more.

Let’s Talk Strategies

Alright, enough with the convincing. Let’s get to those practical tips! These are three strategies that moms and athletes in the Elite Mental Game have found super helpful:

Tip #1: Schedule It Like Any Other Appointment

We all live by our calendars, right? Personally, I live by my calendar – if it’s not on my calendar, it’s not happening. So, treat mental training the same way you would a practice or a doctor’s appointment.  Block out 30 minutes a week in your calendar, wherever it fits best.  This takes the guesswork out of it and ensures it gets done.

Some athletes like to say, “This one time a week is when I’m going to do my mental training and that’s when it’s going to be.” And so, it’s like a cadence for them. Having a set routine creates a sense of consistency and makes it easier to stick with the program.

Tip #2: Make it a Fun Date (Optional, But Powerful!)

Let’s be honest, mental training doesn’t have to be all work and no play. For younger athletes, especially, turning it into a fun activity can make all the difference. One of the athletes that I talked to, she was like, “I listened to it when I’m folding laundry.” While that might work for some modules, there’s definitely an opportunity to create a more engaging experience.

Here’s an idea: dedicate some quality mom-daughter time to mental training. One thing that has been a really beautiful kind of ritual for some moms and daughters in the program is that they make a date out of it. Maybe it’s Saturday mornings at a coffee shop, catching up and working on your respective trainings from the Elite Mental Game.

This approach offers several benefits. First, it creates a positive association with mental training. Second, it provides valuable bonding time for you and your daughter. And finally, it allows you to have those important conversations around the concepts she’s learning.

Of course, this might not work for every family, especially with older athletes.  The key here is to find what works for you and your daughter. Some prefer a more independent approach to keep the focus on their mental training.

But for those with daughters of any age who thrive on quality time, this “mental training date” can be incredibly powerful. And remember, it doesn’t have to be a big production! A cozy corner at home with a warm drink and focused conversation can be just as effective as a trip to the coffee shop.

Additional Tip: If a full-fledged “date” isn’t possible, try a quick check-in at the end of the day. A short conversation on the drive home from practice about a concept she learned or practiced can solidify the learning and open up opportunities for meaningful conversation.

Tip #3: Stack it With Existing Activities

Our schedules are already jam-packed, so finding those hidden moments for mental training is key. One athlete shared a great tip: “I listen to it when I’m folding laundry. It’s something I already have to do, so I just put it on in the background.”

Remember, not all modules require intense focus. Look for those simple, routine tasks where some audio learning can seamlessly fit in. Here are some more ideas:

  • Tournament Car Rides. If you’re driving to tournaments, pop in those earbuds and let her focus on the lessons while you handle the road.
  • Study Hall Success. Does she have a free period at school?  That could become dedicated mental training time.
  • Moms, Multitask Too! Treat your side of the Elite Mental Game program like a podcast.  Listen while driving, walking, or doing chores.

A lot of athletes will say things like, “You know, I already have to do homework on certain nights of the week. And on one night of the week, I am going to do EMG before I do homework.” Simple habit stacking like this can make a world of difference!

Remember: It’s Not About Quantity, It’s About Quality

I get asked all the time: How long does mental training take? And here’s the great news – the Elite Mental Game is designed for busy athletes. It emphasizes quality over quantity through short, focused training modules. By dedicating a mere 30 minutes a week, your daughter can unlock some seriously powerful mental skills.

However, let’s get real: some weeks are crazier than others. Don’t get discouraged if you miss a session or two. Progress, not perfection, is the name of the game. The fact that you’re making the effort and your daughter is learning these skills is a massive win in itself!

Final Thoughts

Moms, I hope these tips help show you how achievable mental training can be, even in the most hectic of schedules. Remember those two mindset shifts: we make time for what matters, and mental training ultimately saves time and energy in the long run.

With a little planning and creativity, your daughter can experience the transformative power of mental training. Imagine her confidently handling on-field mistakes, believing in her abilities without hesitation, and truly enjoying the sport she loves. That’s a future worth investing in!

Let me know what strategies you use to fit mental training into your busy lives. And if you’re ready to empower your daughter with the mental edge she deserves, check out my signature program, the Elite Mental Game.

Until next time, keep cheering loud and keep believing in your amazing athletes!

Episode Highlights: 

[00:00] Fitting mental training into a busy athlete’s schedule. Discover practical tips for moms to fit mental training into their daughter’s busy schedule.

[02:51] Prioritizing mental training for athletes. The importance of prioritizing mental health in athletes’ lives.

[07:10] Mental training for athletes and parents. Parents can enjoy their daughter’s sports journey by focusing on skills and connection rather than stressing over self-doubt.

[10:13] Mental training for athletes with a parent’s perspective. The importance of mental training in sports, recommending a 30-minute weekly training plan and highlighting the benefits of doing it in season or out of season.

[14:05] Prioritizing mental training for young athletes. Practical tips for prioritizing mental training in 30 minutes a week, making it a positive experience for athletes.

Next Steps:

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All Episodes, Athlete Tips, Mental Training, Mindset Shift, Mom Daughter Relationship

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