Welcome to the Raising Unstoppable Girl Athletes Podcast

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 Welcome to the Raising Unstoppable Girl Athletes podcast. I’m your host, Bre, an Elite Competitor™ Coach for female athletes and I am excited that you’re here. 

Whether you’re an experienced sports mom with lots of seasons under your belt, you’re just getting started on this whole sports journey, or somewhere in between… 

This podcast is for you to know exactly how to help your athlete daughter believe in herself, build confidence in her sport (and in her life), and how to navigate the ups and downs of being an athlete. 

Each month you will hear a podcast episodes on topics that you want most. 

I regularly ask our community what they’re struggling with and what they want to hear. And then based on your responses, I co-create episodes for you. You will hear from guest speakers every month on topics that request, such as nutrition, rest and recovery, how to navigate being a sports mom, all sorts of different topics that are interesting and where you can hear from another perspective. 

You will also hear from moms and athletes who are on similar journeys as you, seeing that you’re not alone and many of the experiences are very common across moms and athletes. You’ll get to see real time how implementing some of what we talk about on the podcast works for our athlete daughters. 

Another thing that you will see every month is an ‘Athlete Tip’. These episodes are specifically for athletes. Of course, moms, you can listen in too! 

The episodes will contain tips to help your daughter with some aspect of her game. These are great episodes just to send to your daughter or just to put on in the background when you’re driving to the next practice or tournament. These are great things to just have sink into your daughter’s mind so she can hear mental training tips from someone other than you. 😉

We sincerely hope that this is your go-to podcast for raising your girl athlete, and to help us do that, I actually have a favor to ask of you. In order to get this podcast into the ears of as many families as possible and to help bring on the best guests to serve you, please take a minute to rate and review the podcast. 

It really helps grow awareness of the podcast, gain listeners, and attract the best guests to come to you. Thank you in advance; we would appreciate that so much. 

All right, moms… it’s time to dive into the episodes! I’m coach Bre and I hope that you enjoy the Raising Unstoppable Girl Athletes podcast.

All Episodes

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In the latest episode of The Raising Unstoppable Girl Athletes Podcast, Coach Bre shares tips on unlocking the power of confidence to help girl athletes excel.

Do This To Be More Confident In Your Next Competition

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Kylie shares her insights into how utilizing resources like those taught inside ECP has helped her level up by improving her mental game.

How To Train The Mental Game w/ D1 Beach Volleyball Player Kylie DeBerg

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ave you ever had to deal with negative teammates? The ones who bring unnecessary drama or negativity to the team dynamic?

Athlete Tip (How To Handle Negative Teammates)

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