Sports Mom Extras


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  Do you want to improve communication with your athlete daughter? Do you feel like you’re hitting a wall because you’re not sure what to say, and no matter how you try to connect with her, you feel like she shuts down? Today we’re catching up with Lauren, a mom who has been walking alongside her […]

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  Do you find yourself trying to prioritize nutrition for your athlete daughter, but you’re struggling to know where to start? Does the topic of nutrition overwhelm you, so you throw in the towel before you even get started? Today, we’re talking about how to get your athlete to prioritize nutrition without being pushy. We […]

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  Are you watching your daughter enjoy her sport, but you always feel like a nervous wreck watching her play? Does it seem like everyone else is having a calm and laid back experience with her sports journey but you? Today, we’re talking about how a stressful sports journey can become an enjoyable one for […]

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  Do you have an athlete daughter who you know is capable of so much, but it seems like she’s not moving towards her goals? Do you struggle with knowing when to encourage her, and when to hold back and let her do her thing? In today’s episode, we’re talking about how to know when […]

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  Have you ever tried to help your athlete daughter with overthinking and anxious thoughts? In today’s episode, we’re talking about how you can help her stop overthinking and start playing with confidence. Today, we’re joined by Sammy from the Teen Life Coach School podcast. Sammy is a teen life coach and she works specifically […]

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  Post-competition is one of the toughest times for an athlete, especially when your athlete has a bad game, or is being hard on themselves. Moms are always saying that they don’t know what to say or that what they do say seems to be the wrong thing or makes things worse.  So if you […]

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  If you’re a mom whose daughter has her sights on playing in college, then our latest podcast is set up for you. Our special guest, Head Coach Diane Flick-Williams is my former coach and the head volleyball coach at Western Washington University. She’s also a mom to a multi-sport athlete who is a junior […]

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  Are you ready for something new in 2023? We have some exciting things and big giveaways planned for our moms and female athletes! As a little bit of a spoiler alert, we’ll be giving away a free seat in The Elite Competitor Program for free! I’ll be sharing with you where you can find […]

And avoid three harmful mistakes that hurt your daughter’s confidence.


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