#60: The Elite Competitor Program, REVEALED!

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When you see your daughter playing the sport she loves, do you see goals for her? I’m not saying your goal about her play at the next level. Just simply the goal of seeing her enjoy more of what she’s doing. And develop confidence through it. If you have that dream for her, then this is for you.

Finally, we are bringing you inside The Elite Competitor Program for the FIRST time.

I’ll be walking you through our game-changing course – module by module – and explaining exactly how ECP helps athletes cultivate confidence and elite performance (and how their moms learn how to best support them!)

So let’s dive into it!

What is ECP?

ECP is our eight-week mental training program designed specifically for female athletes. It’s also intended to teach kids about the mental part of the game. 

The mental aspect now comprises everything from pre-performance rituals to post-performance exercises.

  • Methods for recovering from errors. 
  • Post-competition procedures, as well as how to change negative self-talk. 
  • And how to strengthen their self-esteem. 

It entails comprehending how the subconscious mind operates.

We also teach players about their breath and how to utilize it to focus and relax. We teach visualization and how to envision to athletes. Not only for what they’re going to accomplish but for the athlete they want to be.

Essentially all of these improve confidence because players now know how to negotiate very typical scenarios that many athletes experience. And now they have tools and tactics.

Who’s right for ECP?

We believe that the sweet spot for ECP is between the ages of 11 and 18. I have a whole podcast episode that talks about it which is episode 37. You can listen to that podcast to hear about the best age to start the ECP. 

Athletes begin to discover that their sport is something they actually want to perform between the ages of 10 and eleven. They may have goals in place, and things may be getting more challenging or competitive.

That is also a crucial time to introduce the power of the mind and the ability of athletes to shift and modify their views. It is the appropriate moment to employ techniques in instances where they are unsure of what to do. So I’d say about 10 to 11, depending on your daughter’s readiness, is where we’d propose this curriculum.

Because older athletes have more limiting ideas, the program will be more difficult for them. And we had to reverse some of their bad habits before they could embrace new ones.

If your athlete is 16, 17, or 18, and especially if she wants to play at the next level, make sure she is working on her mental game.

What exactly does ECP teach?

We teach a total of eight Modules. Each module includes a guided visualization, and we urge athletes to listen to these visualizations when they need them before games or when they need to relax. And, if desired, an athlete may access the entire program via their phone. 

It’s in a mobile application. And they may effortlessly enter the guided visualization by simply inserting their AirPods and listening to it.

1st Module. The first module we’ll look at is called the kickoff. This is where it all starts. Athletes must discover what is feasible for them. We establish large, real, enormous ambitions and objectives for ourselves. They leave their comfort zone. They begin to scrape the surface of their brains’ potential. We delve a little further into the power of their subconscious mind and how it truly rules. 

2nd Module. In this module, athletes receive their daily mentality exercise, which is a five to eight-minute routine that they practice every day. Affirmations, visualization, breathing, work, and gratitude practice are all part of the daily routine. This is where I teach athletes the foundation of breathwork and visualization. 

3rd Module. We dive into beliefs that athletes have about themselves that are holding them back. If you’re acquainted with Byron Katie’s work, we’ve embraced it to assist athletes to convert their limiting beliefs into something more productive and mindful.

4th Module. What you say matters and it all comes down to self-talk. As a result, we will continue to investigate an athlete’s confidence and how it is directly related to her inner dialogue. There are four sorts of self-talk, according to what we teach. And we educate athletes that all four are suitable at different times, in different locations, and in different situations. 

5th Module. We teach about how to succeed in the face of adversity. It’s a normal aspect of the athletic experience. As a result, it’s critical that athletes understand that failure and mistakes are crucial for progress. In this session, we discuss a lot about changing their mentality towards failure and mistakes.

6th Module. We discuss how to build pre and post-game rituals. We determine their hype number as well. And a routine to get them to a position where they feel at ease before competing.

7th Module. The seventh module is about letting go of perfectionism. Expectations, such as unreasonable standards, are preventing them from progressing to the next level. So we’ll simply go over the symptoms of perfectionism and distinguish between having high objectives and having perfectionism that keeps people stuck.

8th Module. Our final lesson, module eight, is all about stress management and becoming resilient since we know that how an athlete manages stress off the court affects how she performs on the court or field.

How long does it take to go through ECP?

We have a workbook that goes along with the curriculum, so students may work through each module in their workbook. So after they finish a module, they have an assignment where they remark in the portal and I respond. We interact and have a back-and-forth there.

We have a total of six live meetings. This is where we help them to work on their mental game week after week. 

If athletes are unable to meet online, the classes are all recorded and may be accessed afterward. But we make every effort to get them all on the same page.

A couple of weeks later, we do a level-up Q and A. It is a gathering that our alumni insiders are attending. They are athletes that have graduated from The Elite Competitive Program, but current ECP athletes are also welcome. They acquire answers to their queries. And they get the opportunity to interact with other athletes.

What support does ECP offer (for athletes AND moms?)

The other support that we have that I’ve talked about that makes this program so special, is that moms also get a ton of support. We put moms in a special group with Christina and me, and right now this group is on Facebook. All the recordings are located in your portal as well. So when you sign up, you get portal access and you get all these pieces of training. 

If you don’t have Facebook, that’s okay. We do it on Facebook, but we also put all the training in an area where you can access without Facebook.

There are exclusive training on;

  • How to build your own pre-competition routine for your daughter.
  • How to build your own post-competition routine.

We do monthly zoom calls and bring in guest experts. We have Q&A so you can connect with the other moms and me.

What kind of results do ECP athletes and moms actually see after the program?

We get emails and direct messages all the time. That just makes our day because athletes are experiencing wins. They are overcoming these things that used to just hang them up. They’re building their capacity to handle that adversity. 

And moms are feeling more empowered that they know how to best support their daughter. 

The other day I got an email from a mom, she said.

“ I wanted to let you know that the elite competitor program has had an immediate and substantial impact on my daughter. We have struggled with perfectionism and bouncing back from defeat for a long time.

I can tell a difference in how she responds on the court. I can see her talking to herself and staying upbeat despite having a mediocre game last week. It has been a game-changer. No pun intended. So thank you for your program. The fact that she is learning and applying your strategies at age 12, puts her so far ahead of the game, in my opinion. She has really embraced your program. She looks forward to the new modules every week and even bought a special notebook to take notes. She usually has three pages of notes after each module. Thank you so much. I am so grateful for the profound impact ECP has had on my daughter.”

You’re going to give your daughter a competitive advantage by giving her these skills. Not all athletes are learning these because not all coaches teach these. It could also equip them with confidence so that they can do things outside of their sports. 

They’ll have more confidence to stand up for themselves, to make changes, and to trust how they’re feeling to go for it.

Get into the program and help your daughter learn;

  • To leave their comfort zone and dream.
  • To create daily mindset routines.
  • To crush their limiting beliefs.
  • To self-talk.
  • To overcome failure.
  • To come up with their custom routine.
  • To let go of perfectionism.
  • To manage stress.

I hope that this has been helpful as we dive into this program. ECP is transformative. I’ve seen it time and time again with my students…I know the power of this program.

Keep in mind that your daughter’s mental game is her most significant competitive edge.


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