#207: Athlete Tip: How to Prepare to Crush Tryouts!

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Are You Ready to Crush Your Next Tryout?

Tryout season is here, and whether your daughter is a seasoned athlete or stepping onto the field for the first time, the pressure to perform can be intense. As a sports mom, you know how much this means to her, but the big question is: how can you help her prepare so she walks in confident and ready to shine?

In this blog post, we’re pulling back the curtain on tried-and-true strategies straight from our Elite Mental Game (EMG) program. These aren’t just tips—they’re tools that have helped thousands of young female athletes prepare mentally and physically to perform their best when it counts the most.

Paige’s Triumph—A Real-Life Example of Mental Preparation

Let’s start with a quick story about Paige, a goalie who recently shared her experience after a major tournament in Vegas. Despite the pressure, Paige used a powerful mental training technique called “backpack visualization” that she learned from our EMG program. The result? She aced the tournament with the highest goal-save percentage among all goalies! Paige credits her success to the mental game skills she developed, proving that when your daughter has the right tools, she can achieve anything she sets her mind to.

Your Daughter Can Develop This Confidence Too

Imagine your daughter walking into tryouts with the same level of confidence as Paige. She knows how to handle nerves, stays focused, and lets her true abilities shine through. This isn’t just wishful thinking—this is what mental preparation can do. And it all starts with a solid plan.

In this blog, we’ll cover:

  • Before Tryouts: The importance of preparation, both physical and mental, and how to make the most of the time leading up to the big day.
  • During Tryouts: Key strategies for focusing on strengths, taking risks, and handling mistakes like a pro.
  • After Tryouts: How to leave a lasting impression on coaches and what to do once the tryout is over.

Let’s dive in!

Before Tryouts: Preparation is Key

Whether your daughter has months, weeks, or just days before tryouts, the preparation phase is crucial. Here’s how she can get ready:

  • Months Before: Focus on physical conditioning and skill development. The goal is to get out of her comfort zone and push herself to improve. Encourage her to work on weaknesses while honing her strengths to become a well-rounded athlete.
  • Weeks Before: Shift the focus to mental preparation. Visualization is key—have her imagine herself performing well in the tryout environment. If possible, visit the facility or visualize the space to make it feel more familiar. She should also develop a mantra to keep herself focused and calm.
  • Day Before: Help her prepare her outfit (consider a bright shirt to stand out), plan her meals, and ensure she’s mentally ready. Remind her that nerves are normal and can be transformed into excitement and energy.

During Tryouts: It’s Game Time

Once she’s at the tryout, it’s all about execution. Here’s how to ensure she’s at her best:

  • Focus on Strengths: Encourage her to showcase what she’s good at. While it’s important to be well-rounded, tryouts are about standing out in specific areas where she excels.
  • Take Risks: Coaches notice athletes who aren’t afraid to go for it. Whether it’s a bold move or aggressive play, remind her that it’s better to try and fail than play it safe and go unnoticed.
  • Recover Quickly from Mistakes: Mistakes happen, but how she handles them matters. Teach her to have a “snapback routine”—a quick mental reset that allows her to move on and stay positive.
  • Control the Controllables: Attitude, effort, and leadership are all within her control. Encourage her to hustle between stations, volunteer for drills, and maintain positive body language. These small actions can make a big impression.

After Tryouts: Finishing Strong

The tryout isn’t over until she walks out the door. Here’s how she can leave a lasting impression:

  • Thank the Coaches: A firm handshake, eye contact, and a sincere thank you can go a long way. This small gesture shows respect and gratitude, leaving a positive impression.
  • Reflect and Move On: Whether she makes the team or not, help her reflect on what went well and where she can improve. This is a valuable learning experience, no matter the outcome.

Feeling inspired? Ready to see your daughter step into her tryouts with confidence and poise? If you want to dive deeper into the strategies mentioned in this blog, our Elite Mental Game program is here to help. It’s designed to build the mental toughness and confidence young female athletes need to excel in sports and beyond.

Don’t let tryout season be a source of stress—turn it into an opportunity for growth and success. Sign up for the Elite Mental Game program today and give your daughter the tools she needs to crush her tryouts!

Episode Highlights: 

[00:00:47] Introduction to the tryout season and the importance of preparation.

[00:01:30] Paige’s success story: How mental preparation helped her ace a tournament.

[00:02:10] The goal of tryouts: Shift your mindset from making the team to showcasing your skills.

[00:03:20] How to prepare depending on your timeline before tryouts (months, weeks, day before).

[00:08:45] Tips for standing out during tryouts: Focus on strengths, take risks, and recover quickly from mistakes.

[00:12:20] After tryouts: How to leave a lasting impression and reflect on your performance.

Next Steps:

  • Back to School Special is happening NOW on The Elite Mental Game! Use this link to jump in for $400 off the program so your athlete can head into her season without the mental struggles of last season!
  • Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms – How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter’s Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You Do
  • Visit our podcast website for more great episodes

Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

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