#206: How to Set Your Athlete Up to Graduate College With Little to No Debt w/ Shellee Howard of College Ready

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Feeling stressed about how to afford college for your athlete without drowning in debt?

You’re not alone. As parents, we all worry about supporting our kids’ dreams while managing the financial burden. That’s why I’m so excited to share my conversation with Shellee Howard from College Ready. She offers some amazing, down-to-earth tips on helping your athlete graduate with little to no debt. Let’s dive into Shellee’s practical advice on combining athletics and academics to score those crucial scholarships.

The Journey of College Ready

Shellee Howard started College Ready over 17 years ago out of a personal need to navigate the college admissions process for her own child. As a first-generation college student herself, Shellee knew firsthand the struggles and mistakes that can come with the process. “My oldest wanted to go to college, and I didn’t want him to make the same mistakes I made,” she shared.

With her experience as a scholar-athlete, Shellee muscled through her own college journey and wanted a better path for her children and others. This desire led to the creation of College Ready, a resource dedicated to helping families successfully navigate college admissions and scholarship opportunities.

The Power of Academic Scholarships for Athletes

Shellee emphasizes the importance of focusing on academics alongside athletics. She explains that many athletes aim for athletic scholarships, but the reality is that not all athletes receive full athletic scholarships. Shellee shares, “There is a majority of athletes out there who actually, maybe they have a partial athletic scholarship, but the majority of athletes that go to college are not on full ride athletic scholarships.”

Shellee suggests using athletics to bolster the chances of earning academic scholarships. She shares, “Being a scholar-athlete is like double dipping. You get the scholar and you get the athlete. And if you get injured, you still have the scholar.” This approach ensures that athletes have a balanced profile that can attract both academic and athletic scholarship opportunities.

Start Early and Plan Strategically

Shellee advises families to start planning early, ideally in seventh or eighth grade, to maximize scholarship opportunities. She explains that having conversations about college and scholarships early helps students go into the process with eyes wide open. Shellee states, “If I can start students having these conversations with their parents at an early age, then they’re going into it, eyes wide open. They know exactly the plan, the process.”

Shellee emphasizes the importance of academic performance and standardized test scores. She highlights that high GPAs and strong test scores are critical for securing significant scholarships. “The number one way to get a full-ride scholarship is your academia, that GPA. So don’t skip it, even if they’re an athlete, that GPA is going to matter for the team.”

Building a Standout Profile

Shellee also talks about the importance of building a well-rounded profile that includes extracurricular activities, community service, and leadership roles. She explains that colleges look for students who have excelled in multiple areas. Shellee shares, “Colleges will pay you for a resume. The student who’s built the resume, who’s really put time in community service and leadership and extracurriculars, they’re going to pay them to come to their school.”

Shellee also advises against putting all eggs in one basket, particularly in sports. She shares her personal experience, “My daughter was a competitive cheerleader, and we spent probably 12,000 a year since she was three, banking on she was going to go full ride. And it ended up backfiring on us.” Balance is key to ensuring that students have multiple avenues to secure scholarships.

Navigating Scholarship Opportunities

Shellee explains the various types of scholarships available, including merit scholarships, athletic scholarships, need-based scholarships, institutional scholarships, and independent scholarships. She highlights the importance of knowing where to find these scholarships and how to apply for them. “If you don’t know where to get them, they don’t exist,” Shellee says.

Shellee shares a success story of a student who received a full ride to Harvard by combining athletic and academic achievements. She explains, “He used his athletics to get the coaches talking to him and looking at his resume. And then he used his academic GPA and test scores to stand out.” This strategy of leveraging both athletics and academics can open doors to substantial scholarship opportunities.

Tailoring the Approach to Each Student

Shellee emphasizes that each student’s path to securing scholarships is unique and should be tailored to their strengths and interests. She advises parents to meet their children where they are and have ongoing conversations about their goals and aspirations. Shellee shares a helpful exercise she uses with her children

called “Beat the Millionaire,” where they discuss financial literacy and the cost of living to help them understand the financial aspects of college.

Shellee also highlights the importance of career exploration and aligning college choices with career goals. She explains, “If you want to be a botanist and you just want to plant plants for a living, you don’t need to go to an Ivy League school to do that. That’s not a good return on investment.”

Working with College Ready

Shellee and her team at College Ready offer various programs to support families in navigating the college admission and scholarship process. From do-it-yourself programs to full support packages, College Ready helps families with financial aid forms, scholarship applications, essay preparation, and test strategies. Shellee explains, “It’s a lot for a parent to handle on top of their career. That’s why we provide comprehensive support to set students up for success.”

Shellee also offers a 30-minute complimentary discovery call for families to ask questions and learn more about College Ready’s services. You can find more information and schedule a call or visit their website at College Ready Plan.

The Bottom Line

Shellee Howard’s insights provide a valuable roadmap for parents and student-athletes to navigate the complex world of college scholarships. Balancing academics and athletics, starting early, building a standout profile, and knowing where to find scholarships can truly set your athlete up for success in college with little to no debt. The truth is, there’s so much money out there – it’s all about picking the right college and knowing where to find the scholarships.

I know how much we, as parents, want the best for our kids without the stress of overwhelming debt. Shellee’s advice gives us hope and practical steps to make this dream a reality. I hope you found this as enlightening and inspiring as I did! We’re all in this together, cheering our athletes on every step of the way.

Episode Highlights: 

[00:00] Setting college-bound athletes up for success with little to no debt. In this episode, Shellee Howard shares tangible tips for athletes to gain scholarships beyond athletic scholarships.

[03:14] College readiness, scholarships, and athletic opportunities.

[08:47] Balancing athletics and academics for college scholarships. Learn the importance of balancing academics and extracurriculars alongside sports.

[14:23] College scholarships and athletic recruitment. The importance of focusing on academics, including taking standardized tests like the PSAT, to qualify for scholarships.

[19:52] College admissions, athletic scholarships, and financial literacy. Helping children understand the cost of college and financial literacy is crucial before making decisions.

[25:55] College planning and financial aid for families.

Next Steps:

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