#211: Listener Q&A: When to Start Mental Training, Signs Your Athlete Is Ready, & Getting Her ‘Bought In’

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Hey there, sports moms! Coach Bre here, and boy, do I have a treat for you today.

We’re about to talk about one of the hottest topics in youth sports: mental training. Yep, that secret weapon that can turn a good athlete into a great one.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Mental training? Isn’t that just for the pros?” Well, buckle up, because I’m about to blow your mind with some game-changing insights that could make all the difference in your daughter’s athletic journey.

You’ve been flooding my inbox with questions about this stuff, and I’m here to deliver the goods. So, grab your favorite post-game snack (I won’t tell if it’s those nachos from the concession stand), and let’s get into it!

We’re going to tackle everything from when to start mental training (spoiler alert: it might be earlier than you think) to how to spot if your athlete is secretly struggling. And don’t worry, I’ve got your back with some sneaky tips on how to get your daughter excited about mental training without making her feel like she’s broken.

So, are you ready to unlock the secret to your daughter’s sports success? Let’s get started and give those mental muscles a workout!

When’s the Perfect Time to Start Mental Training?

“My daughter’s 12. Is that too young for mental training?”

Let me tell you, mama, 12 is the sweet spot! Here’s why:

  • Ages 11-12 are when athletes really start to “get” mental training concepts.
  • They’re usually super open to it at this age.
  • Competition levels are ramping up.
  • Bodies are changing (hello, puberty!), which can mess with confidence.
  • The comparison game starts heating up.

But here’s the kicker – you can start even earlier! With my own kiddos, we’re talking about breathing techniques and goal-setting as young as 5 or 6. It’s never too early to plant those mental game seeds.

For the older teens (16+), mental training should already be part of their routine. If it’s not, they might be falling behind their mentally-savvy competitors.

Red Flags: Is Your Athlete Struggling Mentally?

Now, don’t wait for your daughter to hit rock bottom before considering mental training. It’s like teaching your kid to swim before throwing them in the deep end. But if you’re noticing these signs, it might be time to level up her mental game:

  • She only focuses on what she did wrong after a game.
  • Mistakes send her into a spiral.
  • Nothing ever feels “good enough.”
  • She’s hesitating on the field.
  • Practice performances outshine game-day plays.

Remember, though – mental training isn’t just about fixing problems. It’s about building lifelong confidence and skills that’ll serve her way beyond the sports field.

The Fast Track to Results: How Quick Can You See Changes?

I get it – you want to know if this mental training stuff actually works, and how fast. Well, hold onto your sports mom hat, because I’ve got some exciting news.

In our Elite Mental Game program, athletes start seeing results in the first week! How? We kick things off with our “Snapback Routine” – a custom strategy to bounce back from mistakes in seconds. It’s like a confidence booster shot for your athlete.

As they progress through our five-phase program (which takes about 3 months at 30 minutes a week), they’re picking up new tools and techniques faster than you can say “sports psychology.” We’re talking pre-game rituals, flow state awareness, and more.

The Secret Sauce: How to Get Your Daughter on Board

“How do I present mental training to my daughter without making it seem like something is wrong with her? I don’t want her to feel like I am saying that she has low confidence or make things worse.”

This is the million-dollar question, right? You want to help, but you don’t want to dent that precious confidence. Here are some slam-dunk strategies:

  • Connect it to her goals

Connect it to her larger ambitions. If she wants to make a varsity team or play in college, explain how the best athletes use mental training to get there. Maybe you can say something like, “Hey sweetie, I know you want to make varsity this year. The top athletes are all about mental training these days. Want to give it a shot?”

  • Show her the pros

Sometimes, it helps to show her examples of other athletes using mental training. Find videos or podcasts of her sports idols talking about their mental game. Trust me, they all do it. This can help her see mental training as a common and essential part of being a successful athlete.

  • Make it a challenge

“You said you want to be the best ball handler on the team. The best athletes do more than just physical training. Up for taking your game to the next level?”

  • Let someone else do the talking

Put on one of my athlete-focused podcast episodes in the background. Sometimes, hearing it from someone else does the trick.

  • Focus on your own approach

Even if she’s not ready, you can start by tweaking your own sports parenting game. Small changes in how you support her can make a big difference.

The Bottom Line: Investing in Her Future

Here’s the deal, sports moms – mental training is like an insurance policy for all the time, money, and energy you’re pouring into your daughter’s athletic journey. It’s not just about making her a better athlete (though it definitely does that). It’s about equipping her with skills that’ll serve her in every area of life.

Think about it – if she can handle pressure on the field, imagine how she’ll crush that job interview or stand up for herself in tough situations. We’re talking life skills, not just sports skills.

So, whether your daughter’s just starting out or she’s eyeing that college scholarship, now’s the time to get her mental game as strong as her physical game. And remember, you’ve got a team in your corner. Our Elite Mental Game program is designed to meet athletes where they are and grow with them.

Ready to take the next step? Join me for a free live training where we’ll dive even deeper into strengthening your athlete daughter’s mental game. Head to trainhergame.com to grab your spot – it’s the last chance for 2024!

Let’s make this season her best one yet – mentally, physically, and emotionally. You’ve got this, sports mom!

Episode Highlights: 

[00:00] Starting Mental Training at the Right Age

[04:58] Signs of Struggling with the Mental Game

[08:15] Connecting Mental Training to Athletes’ Goals

[10:11] Quick Results from Mental Training

[12:26] Presenting Mental Training to Athletes

[15:50] Encouraging Buy-In and Final Thoughts

Next Steps:

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