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Are you struggling to communicate with your teen athlete?

Parenting a teenager, especially an athlete, can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. In this episode of the Raising Elite Competitors Podcast, we delve into expert advice from Jeanine Mawchawer, a life coach specializing in helping parents of teenagers. Her insights offer a new perspective on how to effectively communicate with your teen athlete, especially during times of disappointment and self-criticism.

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Mistakes are an inevitable part in any sport, but how quickly can you recover from them? This is a burning question for many athletes, and the key to overcoming this challenge lies in understanding and implementing effective strategies. Let’s dive into some practical tips that can help you snap back from mistakes with agility and confidence.

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Are you a sports parent looking to help your daughter gain a competitive edge in her chosen sport and in life? As a coach with over 12 years of experience, I’ve heard countless stories of talented young athletes who struggle to perform at their best during competitions, despite excelling in practice.

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  Are you wondering if mental training is a wise investment for your athlete? As a coach who has seen the profound impact of mental training, I’m here to guide you through this important decision. Why Mental Training Matters in Sports In my experience, the mental aspect of sports is just as important as physical […]

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  Are you a parent trying to figure out how to support your child in sports? You’re not alone. Navigating the world of competitive sports as a parent can be as challenging as it is for the young athletes themselves. Let’s dive into the story of Silvana and her daughter Serena, a young athlete, and […]

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  Have you ever wondered just how crucial a role parents play in shaping their child’s experience in sports? Today, I’m excited to share insights from my conversation with John O’Sullivan from the Changing the Game Project, an organization dedicated to transforming the youth sports environment. John O’Sullivan: A Game Changer in Youth Sports John, […]

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  Hey athletes! Let me start by asking you a question: How do you stay motivated on those days when you just don’t feel like it? We’ve all been there, right? Those days when the idea of going to practice or hitting the gym seems like an uphill battle. Well, I’ve got some tips and […]

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Have you ever wondered what to do when your daughter’s confidence takes a hit due to her coach’s actions or words? Unfortunately, it’s a situation that many parents and athletes face, and it’s essential to address this issue.

And avoid three harmful mistakes that hurt your daughter’s confidence.


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