#46: Q&A: How to Handle Negative Team Parents

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Elite Competitor Society member, Licette asks:
Good morning! Since I found your Facebook group I have changed the way I act when my daughter plays and it she loves the change in me, but now I listen to the other parents do the things I used to do. How do I tell them to stop or just tell them to keep their comments to themselves because now that has become a pet peeve and I see how their daughter’s faces look o sad. What makes it worse they see how I am with my daughter and they come to me so I can reassure them because they’re not getting that from their parents!
In my answer, I talk about how to navigate those situations where we see negative parent interactions, what your role is, and ways you can help shape a more positive experience for both the parent and the athlete!
For an opportunity to have your question answered, make sure to submit it in the Elite Competitor Society!

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