live sports mom challenge MAY 14-17

LIVE Sports Mom Challenge
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Pre-game pep talks that actually work
Scripts for those tough car rides home 
How to talk so she’ll listen and not shut down
Never be stuck not knowing what to say again: 
May 14-17 - Virtual - About 30mins/Day

what to say



Know Exactly
What To Say (and not say) To Build Your Athlete's Confidence


(even if you often hear "you have to say that, you're my mom!")

join the challenge

You’re not sure what to say, so you either don’t say anything or say something that doesn't seem to help at all. Telling her to "be positive" isn't working. Seems like a constant lose-lose situation. 



What you say to her is causing MORE pressure (when you’re just trying to get her to calm down before she plays!). You have the best of intentions, but telling her to “just be confident” “relax” or “get out of your head” seems to be making things worse. 



Your words are causing her to get mad and shut down (even though you’re trying to help!) “Mom, you don’t understand” is a common response. You’re just trying to get her to see a different perspective, but in reality it’s making things worse. Cue the silence on the way home from a game…



There are 3 main hurdles holding you back from helping your daughter…

(that doesn't cause her to shut down or accidentally make things worse) 

the only problem is - what do you actually SAY to her to get this to happen?!

You want your daughter to get out of her own head so she can play confidently...


And no matter what you say to her, she doesn’t want to hear it from you (because “you’re my mom, you have to say that!”).

Sound familiar?

YOU to be frustrated (and sad) watching, knowing she could play so much better if she believed in herself like you believe in her

HER to play below her potential, overthink it out there, and show up with a lack of confidence


It feels like you’re (literally) at a loss for words, which is causing…

Once you know exactly what to say during these three phases of her sport, she’ll be well on her way to becoming the mentally strong, confident athlete

who plays like it.

It doesn’t matter how much you believe in her. 

If you aren’t saying the right things (at the right time), your words could unintentionally be making things harder for her. 

And that’s why she needs YOU to know the words to say to build her confidence day to day, pre-game, and post-game.

it starts with your words.


If you want your athlete to believe in herself and start playing like it…

Here's the truth, mom:

Changing your approach on what to say to your athlete works, but don't take it from us...

Here’s what our moms saY:

normally $47


Only $27

join the challenge now to save $20

exactly what to say

A 4 day challenge to help you know
to build your athlete daughter's confidence without making things worse or causing her to shut down

join us inside the

What To Say

By the end of our time together, you’ll have your “what to say” game plan locked in and ready to go, so you can finally stop being at a loss for words and start knowing exactly how to talk to her without causing her to shut down. 

(win or lose)

"From knowing what to say when she’s freaking out pre-game to having the words ready to go as soon as she gets in the car

Even if you can’t talk to your athlete as she’s competing, you’re still communicating with her through your body language! We’ll talk about how you can support your athlete to keep her in the zone. 
And…the (often dreaded) car ride home. Win or lose, you’ll be armed with proven scripts to help her process her performance (even when she’s beating herself up and only remembering what went wrong.)

Training #3:
During Competition & Scripts for the Car Ride Home

Raise your hand if your athlete gets irritable before a game - where no matter what you say it’s the wrong thing. Not any more! You’ll learn the tried and true pre-competition phrases that actually work to build her confidence (you’ll ditch the “just relax” and “just be confident” for good!)

Training #2:
Pre-Game Pep Talks That WORK!

Building confidence in your athlete is a two part journey: what YOU say + and HER mental game.

In this training, you’ll learn how you can ensure she has strategies to strengthen her mental game and show up with confidence on game day!

(things like handling pre-competition nerves and pressure, bouncing back from mistakes, flipping her post game negative self-talk, and how to thrive even when her coach is terrible)

BONUS Training #4:
How to Strengthen Your Athlete’s Confidence So She Believes In Herself And Plays Like It

This is the MOST important area to build your athlete’s confidence - it’s actually where she spends the most time. You’ll learn exactly how YOU can be planting seeds just by shifting your language to boost her confidence before she even steps on the court. 

Training #1:
Day to Day Confidence Boosters

4 Days of Live Training To Take You From “What Do I Say?!” to Calm and Collected Sports Mom (even after a tough loss)             

Here's what you get inside the challenge

Each day, I’ll be LIVE with you to teach you exactly what to say in the moments your athlete needs you most: day to day, pre-game, during-competition, and post-game car ride home.


BONUS - listen on the go with Your daily private podcast!

is over $1,000!


Total value 

With the Trainings + Bonuses...

$500 Value

Join us for 3 game changing sessions!

Athlete-Mom Mixer - a special event where you’ll participate in fun activities together while your daughter gets a taste of mental training!

Tips From Successful Sports Moms - hear directly from EMG Moms on what's working right now and what's not

Live Q&A w/ Coach Bre - get all your questions answered live 

... and we'll send out replays!

Community Events


Think of this as your go-to guide when you’re looking for a “what to say in this scenario” script. We cover it all in this cheat sheet so you never have to be left wondering what to say again!

$50 Value

25 Key Phrases Cheat Sheet


John is one of the best in the youth sports scene, and in this eye-opening masterclass, he breaks down exactly how you can own your unique role in your child’s success

$250 Value

"Your Critical Role in Your Athlete's Sports Journey" Masterclass w/ John O'Sullivan, Founder of the Changing the Game Project


Our private podcast & members only Challenge Facebook group go where you go! So you'll never a miss a thing.

In the group, you'll connect with the other awesome moms and get personalized coaching from me and our coaches!

$500 Value

Coaching, Accountability, and Training That Fits Your Busy Sports Mom Life


Let’s talk about the 4 FREE bonuses you get!

Oh wait…did you think we were done? No way!


for just $47 $27!

Snag over $1,000 in value...

BONUS: 25 Key Phrases Cheat Sheet
$50 Value

BONUS: Access to our Private Podcast & Pop-Up Challenge Facebook Group for Support and Accountability  |  $500 Value

BONUS: "Your Critical Role in Your Athlete's Sports Journey" Masterclass w/ John O'Sullivan, Founder of the Changing the Game Project  |  $250 Value

BONUS: 3 Community Events
$500 Value

BONUS Training Day #4: How to Strengthen Your Athlete’s Game Day Confidence So She Believes In Herself And Plays Like It  |  $125 Value 

Training Day #3: During Competition & Scripts for the Car Ride Home  |  $125 Value

Training Day #2: Pre-Game Pep Talks That WORK!  |  $125 Value

Training Day #1: Day to Day Confidence Boosters  |  $125 Value

your game plan

When you sign up for the Live What To Say Challenge, you’ll get…

Get live, step-by-step training to know exactly what to say (and when to say it) to build confidence in your athlete for just $47 $27!

I’ve used my credentials and experience to teach thousands of athletes the mental side of the game. A Master’s in education. 12+ years of experience coaching high school athletes. Certification as a Positive Performance Coach.

But the real change in the athletes I work with comes when this piece of the puzzle is in place: 

You! Specifically - the words you say (and when you say them). 

Our approach to mental training doesn’t leave the mom out of her important role in developing her athlete’s confidence. 

In fact, you’re a big part of her success in her sport (no, you’re not just the chauffeur and pocket book!)

It all starts with your words!
Simple shifts.
Game-changing impacts. 

Mental Performance coach, head high school volleyball coach (THREE-time state champs!), and co-founder of The Elite Competitor™

coach bre

Hi! I’m

In case we haven’t already met …


“Your passion, talents, experience, and programs are needed by young women and are already making a difference for our family. Thank you!”


“I feel like I’ve been given a           that will keep on giving for my girls.”

You might be wondering...

What if I can’t make a training time?

The live trainings are every day at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST, and they will typically go 15-20 mins.

All the trainings are recorded and posted in the FB group after, in case you can't make it live - so you don't have to worry about missing anything.

We also have the training replays accessible via a podcast feed, which makes it really easy to listen afterwards on the go!

Don't have Facebook?! No worries - we'll make sure you get all the trainings as well.

How Long Do we have access to the trainings?

You have access to the trainings for a few more days following the Challenge. So, plenty of time to participate in the Challenge, do the work, and catch anything you miss or want to revisit.

Will my daughter’s confidence really improve based on what I say?

100% yes. However, I get this question!

How you respond to your athlete, what words you fill her environment with, and what you say to her before and after she competes has a substantial impact on her.

Your words become her inner voice! Powerful.

One of the greatest things you can do for her confidence is to ensure that what you’re saying is helping, not unintentionally hurting her. 

so, you in?!

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes. 

If you’re tired of trying to get your athlete to believe in herself…

If you’ve ever thought “if only she would actually listen to what I'm saying…”

If you know that you need to find a different way to get through to her…

Then real talk? Your athlete is getting passed up by others who DO have parents saying the right things (at the right times). 

Because “winging it” and hoping something will eventually stick is a surefire way to keep her stuck and struggling.

Let's be game changers together!

Then it’s time to decide, mom. 

If you've made it here...